Rotator Cuff Surgery-4 weeks post-op

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First two weeks after surgery the pain was intense and I could not sleep unless I was in a recliner. Have been wearing the immobilized  but have a tendency to remove it when I know that there is no risk of injury. I do wear it at night but find I can't sleep good because I am not a back sleeper. If I try sleeping on my side with a pillow under my arm my shoulder hurts more. My other problem is that I am 4 weeks post-op and I can only do 2/3 passive exercises. The one where you hold the wrist of your bad arm and raise it above your head is impossible! I can only raise it to my waist because of the pain. My surgeon told me I have to do it! Easy for him to say! Any advice would be helpful. By the way, at this point my pain is manageable with extra strength Tylenol and Tylenol PM's at night. It sounds as if that will all change when I start P.T. !

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    Yes, exactly my experience also. I keep waiting for my energy to return, to sleep a little better, to start feeling human again! Before I tore my rotator, I was very busy and in the gym everyday. I am shocked how monumental this has been! I am 49, my 19 year old daughter who is a college softball player had the almost same surgery 8 weeks ago. She almost has full range of motion back. Oh to be young!
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    I fell off my mountain bike mid December 2016, but X-rays didn't pick up any breaks or problems. I was in pain but thought just bruised. Went to physio in January and after a few sessions was told something wasn't right so was referred to Orthopedic surgeon. After MRI's it was confirmed I had broken the top of my humerus, damaged my rotator cuff and bicep. Had orthroscopy - shoulder repaired, rotator cuff repaired and bicep attached to top of humerus - I came out of hospital that night & the next day was in excruciating pain that I was put back into hospital for 2 nights. One week later went back to work with sling with cushion. Got home and was in excruciating pain again and put back into hospital for another 2 nights. The pain never went away despite being out on really strong meds. Then I picked up the super bug and was put back into hospital for 4 nights. Pain never eased. Went back to orthopod and was taken back into surgery to release my bicep 6 weeks after first op. Was pain free for five days and been on pain since. Doing physio but pain so bad I'm in tears at times. Pain is in my bicep and sometimes my brachial plexus. Pain refers into my jaw & down my arm into my hand. Been nearly 3 months of intense pain and I'm going out my mind! Sleep for maybe 3 hours before pain wakes me up.

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      I am so sorry you are going through this nightmare! I also fell from my MTB september 2016. I waited 5 weeks to see Dr for x ray and referal to Ortho. I am a PT and by then suspected I had tears. Now I am 7 weeks out and have not had as many setbacks as you have had. When I took my sling off at 6 weeks I had lightening bolt pain in my biceps (last week) and since then have had pretty continuous pain/achy/sore in my biceps. The Dr said the repair is intact. My ROM is coming back but very painful doing the exercises. I also wake up at night with pain...mostly in biceps. Why did the Dr release your biceps at 6 weeks. Did he tell you what was wrong with them? I understand there are multiple techniques for bicep repair including tenotomy...which sounds like what he did for you the second time. I can't believe you went back to work after a week! I was doing almost nothing after a week. I hope your road gets a little easier. 

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      At 6 weeks, Dr was really confused and concerned about the pain I was in (I had been back in hospital 4 times in that 6 weeks!), so went in to just check if there were any complications, and found a lot of inflammation, bicep needed to be released as it was tight and that I didn't have frozen shoulder, but he used some other term that I can't recall - said it was really unusual to have had what I did. I was told that I could literally go back to work the day after the op, but wasn't in great shape with the pain, so stayed home for a week after the first op (well, two days in hospital during that time due to the pain). After the second op I stayed home another week and am now back at work. I am spraying this muscle spray (the one that gives you that cold / burning sensation) onto my arm and shoulder and taking a lot of vitamins to try and boost my immune system. I really lacked energy, and this past Saturday, managed to do a 5km park run with my sling on. I was sore while walking and even more sore afterwards, but took my pain killers and felt a little better. Apparently exercise helps get oxygen to the affected area which assists with healing.  

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      wow, I'm surprised you are able to run. I had read that running was not recommended that early because of the jarring. My biceps gets sore just from  hiking. I definitely feel better right after my exercises but later the soreness sets in. It sounds like your Dr did a tenotomy. How long did your Dr say before you could ride a bike again?  Mine said preferably not before 6 months. He said most people reinjur themselves at 4-6 months because they feel stronger than they are and the repair can't withstand the stress of a fall. I can believe that. I just want to get on something like a flat bike path with a road bike or my old MTB. I feel less likely to fall riding than some of the hikes I am doing. I hope your biceps are starting to feel better

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      How long before you were back on your mountain bike? I am only 4 weeks post-surgery and dreaming about spring trail conditions.
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    I had posterior labral repair, cyst removal, and other miscellaneous repair to cartilage in my dominant shoulder 24 days ago. I start physical therapy next week. I am confused about what I should be doing and shouldn't be doing. I am on short term disability from being a special ed teacher in a rough public school. I am also taking two grad school classes. I have been working hard with the grad school classes since surgery, and I think it might be the reason why I have been in so much pain and discomfort. I have been only able to sleep a few hours here and there. I sleep in a recliner, and my wife gets the bed. I am going to be done with the NORCO in a few days, and they prescribed me Tramadol to replace it after. The pain has been pretty rough, as I said, so I am going to take it as prescribed. I was a boxer, had jaw surgery and 6 concussions. Nothing compares to this. I am worried about going back to work at this school. I am schedule to go back in a few weeks. I am worried that there will be a fight or physical situation in the hallway or my classroom that will could put me at risk. Usually I am the one breaking this stuff up because security is "out to fricking lunch" when I need them. I think staying home longer from work is best. They won't be able to accommodate my restrictions and I need to be in boxing shape in 8-12 months.

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      As to specific exercises, your PT is the best resource of what you should be ok to do. Does not sound like you had tendon repairs so probably don't need to worry about pulling out any anchors. I have 4 anchors into the bone to repair tendons. I am off work for 6 months because I also need to be able to respond to unpredictable needs of patients...never know if someone will start to fall or pull on me or grab me. My Dr does not even want me on my bike any sooner than 4-6 (preferably 6) months due to potential fall. My Dr asked how long I wanted to be put off and I said 6 months based on fact that he won't allow any strengthening exercises until 12 weeks so stands to reason I won't be strong for another 6-12 weeks. My company only gives me 12 weeks job protected leave so let the chips fall...would rather lose my job than function of my good shoulder forever. have your Dr be specific about your limitations and if the job won't compensate those restrictions and you are able to take more time off, then take the time off. I was able to stop narcotics after 4 days for the most part but I continue to use tramadol and tylenol and cold. I had chronic pain from other injuries (broken neck with spinal cord injury and numerous broken facial bones...including jaw) so no stranger to pain. I think the cold really helps. Good luck with your therapy and with your job!

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    Hi, I had a tendon repair and bone spur removal 3 weeks ago. Been out the sling for about a week and have just started with the PT. Have had to go back on the painkillers since (Paracetomol and Ibuprofen) as the arm aches, particularly at night and I find I wake up every couple of hours. ROM is improving but it's clearly going to be a long road. Really encouraging to hear about others stories because it really helps to keep your mood positive. Drove the car around the block yesterday (automatic) which made me think that I could be back behind the wheel properly by 6 weeks. Went back to work yesterday and feel like I have been run over by a bus tonight, but it's a start. Good luck to all of you

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      That sounds about par for the course. I am almost 8 weeks post rotator cuff and bicep tenodesis with bone spur removal and subacromial decompression. I had the sling for 6 weeks. I have also been taking a little more pain med since doing more exercises in PT and at home. I started with very short local drives 3 weeks out (taking sling off) and have noticed my driving ability has greatly improved in the past 2 weeks. I'm not back to work because I'm a Physical Therapist and not allowed to lift, push or pull yet. I am so sore by evening time (epecially my biceps) with my only activities being light housework, hiking, stationary bike etc and PT exercises. I also wake up frequently at night with shoulder and bicep pain even though I have sleeping pill to help with sleep. Cold packs are my savior. You sound like you're doing well for 3 weeks out. I was doing very little at 3 weeks other than walking. It is a fairly prolonged recovery period...but after a few months you will probably much better. Keep using the cold and hope your process is speedy and uncomplicated!


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      Thanks, I am going to try ice packs as many people seem to have got relief using them. Guess a bag of frozen peas will do the trick?
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    Hi KJean, Sorry to hear that you had so many issues and unbearable pain. I happy to hear that things are looking up. I am in my 2.5 week of post Rotator cuff surgery, I was so afraid of the pain that very one has been talking about on every website i visited. I am very lucky that i have experinced none to little pain. I started by making sure i was ahead of the pain. As soon as i could i took my first dose of the pain meds and for the first 2 days took  2 pills every 6 hours, 8 in 24 hours, then i went to 2 days taking 6 pills in 24 hours, then went 2 days taking 4 pills in 24 hours, 2 pills in 24 hours to 1 pill at night. It really helped. By 8 days i was off the meds and only taking 5 advils at night. Today started back with taking 1 pill before PT. The best advice i can give is to Ice Ice Ice. I iced my shoulder around the clock every hour on and every hour off for the first 2 days. it was hard to my husband to get up during the night but i strongly believe that was why my pain has been very very low. After the 2nd day i went 20 min on and 20 min off for 5 more days but only during the day not at night. I couldn't get my husband to agree to that. I started PT tongiht and with a guide from my Doct the PT followed his instructions and there was no pain. I did take a pill 1/2 hr before i left the house. After about 30 minutes they sent me home and i have been icing every 20 minutes. I have been able to controll the pain to a 1 out of 10. PLease try not to worry it will get better. Try the ice and see if that helps manage the pain. Good luck in P.T.

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      I really hope this is true. If it is I'm happy for you but it is real hard to believe you have had little to no pain even at therapy. I am almost 4 months post op and am still in pain I could probably ice it more often but there isn't enough time in my life to ice all the time. I want to know your secret.

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    Hi I'm stephanie I'm 6 weeks post surgery and I was very active golfer and flower gardening in my yard the pain no one understands that's not been through it I have girlfriends saying it's been six weeks already like I shouldn't be such a baby and I'm pretty tough but this is very difficult and the worst is that find line don't do enough it can freeze over due it it can freeze so nice to hear others understand the pain just in doing morning and night therapy moves

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      I seem to have my worst pain just below my shoulder area -top of my bicep area

      My Elbow is ok but some numbness in my hand

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      Stephanie, I am 8 weeks post op and I could have written what you sent to KJean. The pain has been and at times continues to be unbelievable. It sounds like you had frozen shoulder as well. My surgeon and PT's have explained that this is the source of continuing pain as well as what is my biggest hurdle. I am 49, and like you was very active before surgery. My tear occurred in July but I didn't have surgery until February, and fought through pain and encapsulitis that entire time. I had a complete tear of supraspinatis, plus bicep strain, fluid in bursa, bony projections that had to be shaved off, and the frozen shoulder. I have had days of total frustration, but am starting to see some good progress. At 8 weeks, I am not quite at 150', which I had hoped to reach already. I have started pushing my exercises a little more, not doing anything that will risk injury, just a tiny bit more aggressive. This hurts like a }+{^]%}¥ but I am noticing more progress. Also, I am also sleeping a bit better. Hang in there! Janna

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      My hand has gone numb too.. just curious what your doctor has told you about it? Mine has put me back in the sling. And I see him in 3 weeks for a check up.. my numbness hasn't gotten any better sad sigh

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      I am 8 weeks post op with repair to 2 full thickness tears, a bone spur shaved off and bursitis addressed...I am still in so much pain even at rest...probably a constant 7-8 pain level.  It is hard not to be depressed..I played a lot of golf before this and was very I am still using pain killers and ice machine.  I am so worried that I have damaged something.  My PT says my range of motion is where it should be at this point...almost anyway.  I totally agree that friends and family do not understand how awful this recovery is and that at 8 weeks I should be much better.  I feel like such a baby.  I hear people saying they quit pain killers shortly after surgery!  It brings tears to my eyes just typing this,  I also had a tendon revolved from my hand 2 months before the cuff repair and that is,not healing well due to shoulder surgery according to hand doctor.  I am such a pathetic mess and wonder if I will ever feel normal again.
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      Deep breath.  I can almost guarantee you did not damage anything.  I am week 12 and back on pain meds.  it happens.

      You did haev major surgery. Consider all the pain as white noise. Let it heal. it will improve.

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      Thank you, David, for your words of you I am just ready to have my life back!  PT today said the same..they seriously doubt that there is a problem but between hand surgery and the massive cuff tendon tear It is not surprising to still have so much pain.  This surgery is certainly not for sissies!
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      Sorry, hon. we aren't getting our lives back until those tendons make friends with its new bone buddy. Just think though: every day the bond is stronger. Pain is caused by weakness and the stronger we get the more the pain will diminish.

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      Im12 weeks post opt today and still take two pain killers before I do night therapy at 10 weeks I had to have mua I helped a lot I'm finally doing much better I'm pretty tough and any surgery I've ever had only took pain pills a day or two so don't even worry about taking them this is a very painful thing your going Thru hang in there it will get better

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      You are doing fine. I was wondering the same thing about the pain. I thought i was being a big baby, pain killers don't work on me but I kept taking them just for mind over matter. I am almost 4 months post op and still have a lot of pain when doing weights for therapy, just lifting two pounds with my arm straight out in front of me and off to the side hurts quite a bit some days. The thing is everyone is different, it seems like some people don't have much pain and others have a lot for a long time. I have a very high pain tolerance and this is brutal!!! In two weeks I have to go have the same surgery on my other shoulder.

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      I am 8 weeks from surgery. I realize you are farther along now and I'd like to know what how it's going. My surgeon wants to wean me off pain medication. I try not to take but sometimes the pain is overwhelming. I know it will get better but hearing from others helps. Thanks. I'm now going to get some cheese to go with that whine!

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      I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and they are weaning me too. My worst pain is at night. I'm afraid they will just stop the pain meds. I am not starting PT until 6 weeks when I get the sling off. Pain at night is now a 6 to 7. It was an 8 a week ago.

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      Cold packs helped me with some of the night time discomfort. Have you asked your Dr about something like Tramadol for pain. It is non narcotic but still requires a prescription. That with tylenol and cold packs might be a way to wean off the narcotics. I do remember the first 3 weeks was the worse and each week got a little better with some increase in pain when the sling came off and when starting something new. It really does get just seems like it takes forever. I am now almost 5 months post and I have been able to ride my road bike and going to try the mtn bike tomorrow. I hope your start to get some relief from the pain.
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      Carol, I hope you are starting to feel better. Sounds like you added insult to injury with shoulder surgery after hand surgery. I am a PT and I had a serious accident 8 years ago. I broke my neck, face and had spinal cord injury. I had the rotator cuff and bicep repair 5 months ago.  I have recovered most of my function from my bad accident...but I have bad nerve pain and some spastic paralysis on my right side. I have worked in PT for 35+ years and I can say that no one will ever understand what is involved in recovering from injuries and surgeries unless they have gone through it. As I was preparing for more face surgery 14 months after my accident, My boyfriend asked me why I was having more surgery because he thought my face looked fine. I had, and still do have bad nerve pain in my face, and extremities. I told him that my primary reason for wanting the surgery was in hope that the extra repairs would help to reduce my face pain. He said, "I can't believe you still have pain after a year." People don't understand that pain does not just dissappear because you look normal or a certain amount of time has passed. Your pain is your pain regardless of how much time has passed or how you look on the outside. No one really wants to be in pain. I did stop narcotics less than a week after shoulder surgery...aside from rare occasion...but I do still use Tramadol and tylenol daily to control all of my pain. but after my neck and face surgery, I was taking a narcotic twice a day for over a year. Then I switched to Tramadol, tylenol and cold packs. I still take something for nerve pain after 8 years. You do what you have to do to function and keep progressing. The ortho tech who adjusted my sling after 4 days bragged to me that he never had to take a narcotic after his shoulder surgery. I felt like it was a jab at me that I was whimpy for being in pain. It was very insensitive. People just don't get it. You are not a baby. Be easy on yourself. I hope  you are able to get some therapy that addressess fascial restrictions and scar tissue because that can be a source of much pain. I had to pay for extra therapy out of pocket because the insurance only covers limited amount. I have found a therapist who does myofascial release to be very helpful. Wishing you the best!


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      Hi Christine,

      I am four months post op. I have been going to PT twice a week for three months now.

      I stopped taking all pain meds at my fourth week. Pain was still present, but for me it was time to stop. I hated feeling that narcotic high, and hated all the other side effects. To replace, I took over the counter pain relief. At night, I struggled with getting comfortable for about 7 weeks. I stopped sleeping in a recliner and around the same time. Probs should have stayed in the recliner another few weeks looking back at it. They prescribed me a sleep aid, but those meds also worry me. Instead of taking those, I took benodryl two hours before bedtime. This was effective.

      I still have pain in the morning, but I control it by pushing through PT. This almost always helps me loosen things up and gets my mind off feeling crappy. PT has gone well, but I am still far from where I want to be. My PT always says "you are where you need to be." It is important to do PT every day. If you can't fit that into your schedule, talk to your PT and doctor about it, and talk about reducing other activities in order to make recovery and rehabbing a priority. I am a full time grad student and full time teacher. I am lucky to have done this in March, because by the time I was taken off short term disability, it was time for summer break.

      In PT I am focusing on getting the shoulder stable by strengthening muscles around it and the shoulder itself. External rotation has not got back to where I want it. At about 80%. Internal rotation is back 100%. My overhead reach is at 95%.

      It is important to get a feel for pain. What I mean by that is a little pain to moderate is ok. That means rest and ice and probably pushed too much. Focus on loosening things up. Severe pain after or during a session means you are doing something wrong so stop and ask questions. Send an email to PT if you are doing from home.

      Two weeks ago, my tendinitis flared up, but after a week of treating it, the pain was nearly gone. Massaging and focusing on loosening up the area where the bicep tendon meets the labrum really helped.

      Recently, I have really seen progress in my strength, because I have been really pushing it, even when things are slightly uncomfortable in the beginning. Two weeks ago, I was done with modified push-ups and modified planks. I can do about 5 sets of 10 push-ups a day and do 3 sets of one minute planks for each hold. I recently started dumbbell curls. I am taking that slow. I know I can do ten pound reps, but I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I am sticking with 5 pounds for another week, and then I should be ready for ten pounds. They said I can start doing lat pull downs, but very light. Swimming they said I can start doing, but very light. The way I see it, if I start light and keep building on it, I will be where I want to be at 8 months. I asked specifically about bench press at my doctor appointment a few weeks ago, and my surgeon said "heck no." He is very happy with my motivation level and progress, but "baby steps" has been the them during talks with PT and surgeon. My wife even posted a picture of Bill Murray from "What About Bob" saying "baby steps" on our door to remind me of this.

      What I have learned is my mind can be my greatest strength or weakness. Don't mean to get all philosophical, but just my experience.

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