Rough Night
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Hello Lovlies,
I know I am post all the time and it sounds redundant, but I come here as I have no one to really vent to. I have decided to seek counseling for the anxiety. I am scared of everything and that's not good.
I had a rough night. I woke up every hour literally with my body clammy and gown damp from sweat. Ialso had crazy vivid dreams everytime I dozed off. I know it sounds silly, but some of my dreams are scary. I'm starting to think that my fears are coming out in my dreams. I have to get up now and get my family to work and school and I have to admit that I am scared to drive especially since I have to be alone after they get out the car. My nerves are not good this morning and I am trying to keep my anxiety down but this is going to be a hard one.
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sue976 jamie50513
i really feel for you because I was exactly like this before Christmas everyday was a very bad day with high anxiety and panic attacks. I too sought a councilor and I am so glad I did, you are so right about the dreams, it as to come out some way, I'm still seeing mine but I have progressed really well so we are going to have bigger gaps between sessions and filter them out that way, I would go for it if I was you. I was exactly the same, I was so scared been on my own.
i also got done natural remedies to help relax me and I started excercise get in January and this as also helped, I am determined that I am not wasting any more of mine or my families life on this. Xx
jamie50513 sue976
I feel the same way. I am learning to work through the anxiety attacks, but my fears have become really strong. My family don't complain (at least where I can hear them) but I know they are growing tired of me always asking them to ride with me and go everywhere with me. I was never like this before. I never had anxiety issues until I started with these symptoms. I have antidepressants but don't want to depend on those. So I definitely going to talk to a counselor. I don't always have the bad thoughts but the days that I do, it's really hard.
WoodsyChrissy jamie50513
Please dont think you are alone in this, I have gone through the same anxietys and very weired dreams, I am also on Anti Anxiety tabs, and they do help that I promise, but I have turned to god in prayer everytime I feel afraid, and it lifts my spirit and Im able to get through the fears, give it a try, Its not for all of us, but talk to him like you talk to your friends and family and ask him to take away your fears and give you courage and strength for the day, and maybe your anxiety to be alone and afraid wil calm,
Hope you feel better soon love...
jamie50513 WoodsyChrissy
beverly06128 jamie50513
jamie50513 beverly06128
Thanks for the response and support. I am certainly going to get some professional help for the anxiety. Everything else i am dealing with as it comes. I seem to get the night sweats when i get my menses which i finally got today after two days of spotting. I hold onto the thought that one day this hormonal change will be done.
ellacraig jamie50513
last night I had very vivid disturbing dreams too. So much so I'm still feeling unsettled.
You know what... For most mornings the minute I drop my little girl to school and I get out of the car that's when I start crying too, HATE being alone with my thoughts too.
fYI I kept waking last night too, but with aches and pains, back was aching then chest etc.
I commend you for getting counselling, I was told to as well but never did.
Did you get really bloated after dinner last night(or now as the case may be) ?
I only ask due to our talk yesterday , I did last night so I figured you may have as well !
Hope you feel better soon
jamie50513 ellacraig
beverly06128 jamie50513
jamie50513 beverly06128
I'm not on any hormones. My GP thinks there is nothing wrong with me. He just gave me a script for antidepressants when I was having an anxiety attack in his office and told me to see a GYN, which is the only thing he said that we agree on.