Round two... Starting today...

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This seems like such a great support group I'm glad I found all of you.

First let me say I'm absolutely terrified of Ad's mostly because I've seen how people can't come off them sometimes.

Prescribed 25mg by my psychiatrist who I'm seeing for CBT as well. Last Sunday I took 25mg and 8 hrs later I was on my way to catch a flight and started feeling like I was coming down off a hard drug trip. I didn't know whether i wanted to vomit, go to the loo or pass out. Every side effect listed I had it to the extreme. Lasted about 5 hours. I wanted to die. Could not function. I had just stopped taking 5HTP..took it for 4 days prior but I left 24hrs before trying the sertraline but my Dr reckons it could've been still in my system and was a bit of seratonin overload. Stopped everything haven't taken again since then.

It's a week later and yesterday Dr recommended I try one more time but even take smaller dose like 12mg or even an 8th if a pill... She's had clients start on an 8th of a pill and work up from there... So I'm doing that.

I'm really scared to try again but I'm going to start hoping not to have the same experience and I'd really appreciate the support.

I know it sounds silly to start so small but I'm really scared.

I've also got stresam to help see me through any increased anxiety.. I don't want to take benzo's and stresam has helped me hugely so far.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    hey dont worry about starting so small. I started on 25mg then 2 weeks later went to 50mg and lived a kind of hell for 4 weeks i wouldnt wish on anyone. Gone back to 25mg but still not great.

  • Posted

    i totally understand your fear, please dont think youre being silly. I took 50mg of sertraline last week and did not take a second one. My anxiety went through the roof. I had never had a panic attack until i took it, and i had 3 within 3 hours. I spoke to my dr and he said to stay off meds for now as he could see the thought of taking more was making me more anxious. I have a two week wait for cbt so im hoping that will help me, apparently im a 'perfect candidate'

    Keep us posted, i hope it works for you. xx

  • Posted

    I also felt very scared of taking this medication, needed to switch from citalopram to sertraline as it was not working and making me worse then I have ever been, it has been 16 days now on sert and they have been the best days this year so far! mild side effects, headache and a bit dizzy but nothing I can't handle and I have my life back. sometimes are fear of the unknown holds us back from getting better. I would say give it a try what have you got to loose, do not get too hung up on all the negatives everyone is different and who knows this maybe your turning point. I wish you well and hope you get back to being you

  • Posted

    Thanks guys!!

    Started on half of 12mg cutting the pills up to size is interesting

    So far day 3 been fine... But I know it's only once I hit 12mg that it will start getting interesting

    I'm still so scared of not being able to come off these drugs in 6 months time... That's my biggest fear. I very rarely hear successful withdrawal stories so if anyone has any pls swing them my way 😰

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