Routine for using emollients?

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I am trying to establish some sort of routine using emollients.  I'm using Dermovate at night at the moment.  I've been prescribed Dermol and am using it solely to wash.  I bought some Hydromol and, although it's good, it's very heavy and sticky.  Not sure what to use as a barrier, before and after I use the bathroom.  Is Vaseline best?  Or could I use an aqueous cream for more or less everything?  If I used Vaseline as a barrier, when would I use any other sort of emollient?  I'm also spraying with water after urinating, patting dry, then putting on some sort of emollient.  Is this OK?

You can see I've got a little confused here.  I'd be grateful if anyone else is able to tell me what their routine is.  


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3 Replies

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    I found the hydromol a bit thick and hard to spread on sore skin so I got dermol but in the end I bought Yes Moisturiser from eBay but if in the UK you can now get it on prescription.  It's not the lubricant Yes though.  It has nothing unnatural in it.  I found nothing wrong with dermol though I use it on excema under my armpit and it clears it nice.  I don't think Vaseline is quite as innocent as we think though.  When I put dermovate on I put it on after I've showered and things have dried off sorry if TMI there.  I only use dermovate once a week now but when I used it every day I moisturised after shower then dermovate before bed.  

  • Posted

    Aquaphor is preferred over Vaseline or any other for barriers
  • Posted

    Thank you Sue and WIparadise for your helpful replies.  Funnily enough, I've just sent for some samples of Yes, Sue, so I will see how that goes.  And I don't think I've head of Aquaphor, WIparadise, so I shall definitely look into that.  I know some people do use Vaseline, but, as you said, Sue, I'm not really sure about it and I don't want to make things any worse than they are!  Thanks again.

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