Run down
Posted , 7 users are following.
just wondered how you all felt about coronorvirus are we more at risk been in the menopause i have had a cold for ages does it affect our immune system xx
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Posted , 7 users are following.
just wondered how you all felt about coronorvirus are we more at risk been in the menopause i have had a cold for ages does it affect our immune system xx
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CarolDR nanette44686
The scary part is all I hear that its killing all of us from 60 plus off ! I have heard so much and only see the death of the 60 plus like constant like we been targeted ! I don't even know if anyone that got it at this age of 60 plus and up if ANY of them survived! ALL you mostly see and hear is what they say "old folks"dying and they are the only ones that basically need to worry, talk about scary and depressing!!!!!!
jane66356 nanette44686
nanette - it's because the immune system of "older" people isn't as strong. That's why there is a special flu vaccine for people over 65. At least here in the States not sure about the UK. That's one reason my neurologist said I could go off my MS meds after 60 years old because my immune system won't be as strong and attack me...although I went off them at 52 because of the side effects. So it's not your imagination that elderly (I hesitate with that word for someone 60) but the sad truth is, by that age, yes, your immune system is weaker.
Stay away from crowds, wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and take care of your general health. Oh, yeah, and PRAY 😃 This COVID-19 finally has hit my panic button! So over it! Just like Perimenopause! I need a vacation.
Kadija1966 nanette44686
I think it affect anyone, not just over 60, I read so many 80+ recover from it. I think it depends on the overall health of the person and how you cope with sickness, yes it is scary, my son in law is in the UK. He uses the underground train to go to work. And he caught it, he's 31yrs old. He's still poorly after two weeks. We should all just take care of our health and avoid crowded places.
Marisa02082 Kadija1966
I am so sorry!!! I hope he gets better fast!! Everyone here is reacting very fearfully in Tennessee. There is no hand sanitizer, no toliet paper, and the list goes on and on. Luckily we got ours early on because I knew this would happen. Today I am going to Amish to get a box of chicken. We basically need to see the blessings in all of this...I know it's difficult but not impossible. We (all of us) will get closer as families as we have to stay home and not resume life as before. We will and keep our immunity up and wash wash wash. Stay well!! Hugs!!
jane66356 nanette44686
here's a statistics website I've been following that'll shed some light on the age/health issue;
CarolDR jane66356
I'm 62 so looking at that link would cause be server panic as I fight this condition on a daily bases 😦 I just wish some good news would come in! I'm too nervous to look!
Belinda1971 nanette44686
Dont panic. Panic causes stress and stress is the last thing we need as peri/meno women. Toilet paper and hand sanitizer are not necessary to have a mountain of, so dont run yourself ragged trying to find it. There is no toilet paper shortage lol. These hoarders out there are loading up with 5 years of bum fluff for a respiratory illness. There are no food shortages! Regular hand soap and water is all you need. A cap full of household bleach in a gallon of water is all you need to wipe down surfaces in your home. People are in full blown panic because they see other people panicking. Most people dying from Covid are elderly with exsisting health conditions like cpod, chf, history of breathing problems and cancers which have compromised their immune system. Maintain distance from people, stay away from crowds, stay home if you can and wash your hands. We will be fine!