Running low sertraline

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I don’t know what to do people got 1 tablet left untill my appointment on Thursday should I half it tonight and half tommorlw ????

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Go to doctors reception tomorrow and ask for an emergency prescripton
    • Posted

      I’ve sorted it hun was because I’m not in my local until Friday 
  • Posted

    Phone the office, also the pharmacy has given me a filled prescription when i had to wait a week. They said they would only do it the one time. Call the pharmacy and explain your situation
  • Posted

    Yes, call them and they will give you enough to get through til your appt.
  • Posted

    Yes the pharmacy should be able to give you a few pills until your appointment. 
    • Posted

      I can't believe I let my doctor talk me into taking Zoloft, I have epilepsy, I

      don't have mental problems, (not saying anything about other people) I take seizure meds that make me feel anger alot, but didn't have tremors or the side affects that Zoloft does, plus I lost 22 pounds in less than a month, so it made me feel like it was helping, and now I'm going back and forth with the anger problems. I could have did that myself, now we all might be stuck on this s**t, please excuse my language. Good luck everyone!!!!

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