Running out of ideas!

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Hi ladies,

I suppose I must be Peri-menopause as am 57, still have odd period but my main problem is insomnia.

Usually able to get to sleep but it's the staying asleep for longer than 4 hours nightly that's getting to me!

I've been suffering from insomnia for years, so have tried most things except sleeping pills. Have great sleep hygiene, on the whole. Try to get to sleep by 11pm but usually awake by 3-4am.

Sometimes I get up and drink some milk then go back to lying in bed. Some days I just lay there...deep breathing and trying to doze again. Occasionally I do doze off, eventually, but then have to get up!!!!

Have been to Dr for blood tests which are all fine apart from my folic acid which is too high.

I've just started taking Menopace night which contains 200% of daily allowance, so Dr says to stop taking...what shall I do now then?

I'm so exhausted today after nights of broken sleep but really don't know where to turn anymore.

I also take 200mg of magnesium at night to help me relax.

Don't take prescription pills as can't feel groggy in am!

Any fresh ideas please? Jx

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Ask your doctor if he can prescribe you a sleeping pill for insomnia. Let him know how you are feeling. Thats what I suggest you do
  • Posted

    Janeben you sound to be going through a terrible time at the moment, i really hope things improve for you.

    I really believe exercise has helped with my sleeping issues most night I am managing a minimum of 6 hours sometimes more. All depends if I need to visit the loo. I also take various vitamins B6, B12, magesium, vitamin E and vitamin C. I have also cut all the rubish out of my diet over the past 6 weeks. 

    Hopefully something will work for you and you will feel better.

    Mrs D xx

    • Posted


      Thank you for your reply.

      It's only the insomnia and anxiety that I seem to be suffering from, at mo! so in comparison with most of these posts, I'm really fortunate!

      I, like many other women, had no idea that the menopause could cause all these symptoms!

      Thank you for your suggestions but I do regularly walk 4 miles plus a day. Plus do toning exercises at home.

      On a recent trip to NYC, we were walking 13 miles a day and I still woke up at 4am NY time!!!

      I am a very healthy eater, always have you see, I'm stuck for new ideas and really don't want to take sleeping pills.

      I do get hot in bed in spite of blinds open windows and cotton bedding.

      I also wear earplugs to block night noises and morning chorus!

      I would just love to have 6 hours sleep...on the very odd occasion that does occur, I feel great, that's all I need!!!

      Really no help from three Drs so am stuck. Will have to stop Menopace Night so will return to high Vit Bs.

      Take starflower and omega 3 too...

      Thanks again jx

    • Posted


      im the same bumming anxiety & sleeping issues. I definitely feel like I have it easy compared to some of the lovely ladies on here!

      i too exercised everyday walking my dogs  etc but now I do a cardio workout every other day & really get the blood pumping as well as abs & legs workouts!

      when I visited NY like you I was up at the crack of dawn, counting the minutes until Starbucks oponed lol. 

      I hope you find something that helps 

      MrsD x

  • Posted

    Dear Jane.

    My suggestions to you (note. I'ma a disbeliever in quick fix meds for sleep, depression, etc), all natural: 

    - Prescription Oral Micronized Progesterone (are you in the US? if so it's Prometrium, if you're in the UK it's Utrogestan) at bed time;

    - B12 in the form of methylcobalamin (+ expensive but better) in the morning; according to Dr. Murray: " take 3 sublingual tablets of B12 Methylcobalamin (3 mg total) the first thing upon arising is very important in helping people with a history of insomnia.". If you can't find sublingual you may have to increase the dose;

    - B 5 500-1000 mg a day 2 a day morning and mid-day (not at night); this is the stress vitamin and it regulates cortisol; your cortisol is probably jumping up and down during the night - when it's up you wake up;

    - Keep the magnesium;

    - Red lights only (red light district type) half an hour before bed. 

    If you manage to do this I believe you'll be able to sleep. 

    Kind regards.Teresa. 

    • Posted

      PS - These supplements and in particular methylcobalamin-B12 will interfere with methylation. It's therefore better to start at a lower dose and gradually increase it over time.  
    • Posted

      Hi Teresa,

      Thank you for suggestions.  I'm in the UK, but is Utrogestan an HRT drug? Is it by prescription ?

      I'll have google the B12 as no idea!

      I was taking a high dosage of Vit B complex 50mg daily, until started taking Menopace Night, which included high Vit Bs, but have just noticed that the Vit B Complex had 200% Folic Acid and that's what the recent blood test said too high! Nightmare!

      So, you're saying to take Vit B12 and Vit B5 in seperate pills?

      I've read that taking very high Vit Bs can be dangerous?

      Red lights? You mean my bed side light should have a red bulb?

      Thank you for all those ideas...promise will try them,  just a little concerned about such high dosage of Vit B5?

      Yours Jane

    • Posted

      Teresa, sorry, I really don't understand these drugs or these terms...I'll have to google!

      Thank you for caring though Jx

    • Posted

      I'm sorry Jane. redface My point is that yes I'm suggesting you take the 2 vitamins separatly. The higher dose is to rebalance your stress for some months. Then you can lower the dose. 

      Utrogestan is a prescription natural progesterone HRT that helps balance oestrogen and makes you sleep as well. 

      i apologise for makng myself clear. XX

    • Posted

      PS - and yes the red light bulbs make you sleepy...biggrin!
    • Posted

      "not making" myself clear!!
  • Posted

    Hi Hun

    I am 52 and post menopause by 3 years I still suffer with trying to keep asleep I drop off fine but after 4/5 hours I just cat nap been doing this for years now and have quite vivid real dreams where to the fact I thought it was totally real. I have no real cure for you Hun but thought I would reply so you didn't feel alone xx I also suffer dry mouth and eyes at night and having really painful gums so don't know if that's the menopause as well as I blame everything on that now at my age 😂😂

    • Posted

      Thank you...if only I could sort out the sleeping issue, I'd be fine.

      I try to ignore it during day as it's so boring to constantly go on about bad night's sleep!!!

      Both my husband and I were awake at 4 this am...he eventually goes off as men do!, and I'm there trying to doze...finally manged a cat nap and alarm went off! Jane

  • Posted

    Hi janeben , I have suffered from insomnia for as long as I can remember ,good night for me is about 4 hrs but always broken ,then sometimes have really bad spells and only have maybe a couple of hrs ! So decided to pay to see a hypnotherapist who is also a counsellor , after taking my history she concluded that the insomnia is a symptom of anxieties so to cure the insomnia the anxieties needed to be addressed ,don't have any specific anxieties as such ( don't worry about my health) ,just have always general anxiety and stress ! Anyway have only had one session with her as she then went on 4 weeks holiday ,so nothing conclusive yet ! Have you tried hypnotherapy ? Take care x
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      No, hadn't thought of that!

      I do suffer from anxiety too, like you, just in our make up and heredity!

      I'm coping with my stress these days after a couple of bad years due to marriage stuff, but okay now.

      Did see a counsellor for 6 weeks last year.

      So, yes, it's all part of the insomnia problem but calmer now.

      I'll look into hypnotherapy idea

      Thank you Jx

    • Posted

      Jane ,you are welcome , you are sotight think this wretched anxiety etc is just in our make up ,remember being anxious about going to school as a child so it goes far back ,but definitely think our age plays a part especially if we have ageing parents and grown up children with their asscotiated problems ! The hypnotherapy is not a cheap option but I don't mind cutting back on a few things if it is going to help with anxiety , sleep related issues ,good luck ! X
    • Posted

      Sorry meant so "right" not " tight" ! rolleyes

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