runny/stuffy nose with pain in the one nostril
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Please before I go completely insane cuz I have to make another doc appt. can anyone tell me if they have a constant runny and stuffy nose and a weird pain in one nostril - is this related to perimenopause.????..I have no other sick symtpoms
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HotDot7 dane521
sue976 dane521
good Luck and I hope you get sorted xx
carol38532 dane521
I've had a stuffy nose now for 3 weeks, all happened over night, after using over the counter nasal spray for 2 weeks it would help for a short while but within 3 hours couldn't breathe again, went to the doctor and he has given me a spay that has Steroids in it.. No real explanation, I'm wondering if we are more prone to allergies along with EVERYTHING else!
shaznay96184 dane521
You are talking to the 'Queen of Snotting Noses'!!
Well I was until a few years back when i finally got my butt to the Doctors and asked for something to be done about my nasal polyps. The one the left nostril actually took up the whole nostril. So much so when I got a cold it almost hung out
After years of snotty noses, catarrh, no sense of taste or smell (90% of the time), I had them removed. Along with a sinus flush. Aside from it being the answer to my dreams, that general anaesthetic gave me the best night's kip I've had in yonks!!
Long story short......Been getting a 'peppery' sensation in left nostril since December (yeah, starting to be my 'favourite' month - not!). Don't notice it too much, but assumed it was my snotty snitch coming back to plague me but......who knows?!!
Other than that, I have most every Peri symptom going - please don't nasal probs be one of them. If that's the case, I've been perimenopausal for most of my life ha, ha
You'll probably be given a nasal spray like sue & carol (below). Personally hate them (but then I hate all medications. Period ('cuse the pun!) and after years of resorting to decongestants just to breath/taste, I'm praying not to go back there.
Good Luck!
PS - I like to inhal eucolyptus oil in boiling water to clear my nose. Might help.