RUQ pain spitting blood

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I'm so frustrated I don't even know what to do I feel like crying. 

8 weeks ago I suddenly started having pains on the right side of my abdomen followed by extreme dizziness and spitting out blood. 

I've been to the a&e many many times but they aren't helping at all I feel like crying when they tell me it's nothing and refuse to listen to me. 

Recently from 4-5 days ago I started having diarrhea and my appetite is completely gone, I have burning bowels and feel nauseous and sick all the time and my ruq pain continues but now I'm spitting out more blood than ever before. 

Doctor put me on lanzoprazole I've been on it for 8 weeks but no help. I have an endoscopy scheduled a month away but a CT scan in a few days. 

My blood test keep coming back negative and don't show anything wrong with kidney, liver etc etc and so they keep telling me I'm fine. 

I'm so sad and upset why can't they help me all I ask for is help getting some relief instead of being turned away every time because my blood tests show negative. 

I don't know what to do my endoscopy is a month away which is too long and my health is deteriorating rapidly. 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Btw I'm 25 and the pain I would describe it as a stabbing pain on the upper right side
  • Posted

    Very sorry to hear this is happening to you, you do not seem to be being treated very well at all.  Could you try going private, I  know this will cost, but what price health? You might get seen more quickly for an endoscopy.  Also, you could try taking photographs of the blood you spit up, I know this sounds a bit unusual, but it might be a way of getting them to take more note of what is happening, I had to do this with my tongue recently, just to prove that the pain was not being made up, I got refered to a consultant because of my pics. I also have had to keep badgering the doctor with quite a few visits to get this result, and use the pictures.  Pictures are also evidence!  Keep a diary if your not already of your experience each day, also food diary.  If the Lanzoprazole isn't helping at all, why stay on it the doctor should give you an explanation of why if it isn't helping I came off the Omeprazole they put me on after a week, I knew I'd go back on it if I couldn't cope, but I used herbal things instead and was careful what I ate, it was tricky at times.  Have you tried anything herbal?  Could you have a stomach ulcer?  Spitting out that much blood does not sound good I'd be taking pictures and spit into towels or something and take them into the surgery and show the doctor!  Marigold tea very soothing get it off Amazon.  Don't give in, find one or two private clinics, phone them up see what they could do, have you had a second opinion from another doctor at your surgery? Or go to another surgery and get second opinion if possible.  You sometimes have to fight hard to get what you need these days which is rotten when you feel so ill, hope some of this helps a bit
  • Posted

    Can i ask what is a&e? I am assuming its some kind of government clinic? First of all i would go to the emergency room with a bloody towel folded over if that was what it would take for them to know that this is an emergency and i need help now not lansoprazole.. Why are you on this med jf they dont know what is wrong with you. Garlic heals ulcers or any absesses in the stomach so try boiling gsrlic in a kettle of water as strong as you can tolerate and drink this hot and cold when u are thirsty, if there are any ulcers or cuts this would definitely heal them. This should also stop some of the pain or bloating if any . Add a little ginger in the garlic after a week this calms the stomach if you are having spasms and peppermint tea is especially good for the stomach and so is milk thistle.Try to stay off all meds until u know for sure whats happening to you.

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      A&e is emergency room... They keep turning me away saying I should just wait for my endoscopy 
    • Posted

      I hope u are keeping records of this because they are not supposed to turn u away that is a lawsuit in the making. Try some of what i suggested .Again they wont hurt u , u have nothing to lose but everything to gain. And when u get better be kind to your gut. Because this will always follow us and be a pain in the and have a good cup of garlic water today its great! Stay in touch even if its just to talk or u need a friend. 3403442857

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