RUQ pains - Causes?

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The longer this pain (documented in another post) goes on the more I try and think back to when it first started and try and link it to something I did, or something that changed.

I realise it could just be a purely medical problem brought about by age/infection/virus/whatever, but on the other hand (as a generally fit/healthy person) I'm not ruling out some specific problem or cause that initiated this.

So as there seem to be a lot of people with the same problem, but no solutions or diagnosis, perhaps it may be worthwhile seeing if there are any commonalities either in lifestyle or events...?

So do any of these ring any bells, either as a regular lifestyle thing or as something happening a week or two *before* symptoms started...?

1) Back Injury

2) Lifting weights at the gym

3) Traditional Thai Massage (if you've had it you'll know why it's on the list! (and not the 'yoga massage' one))

4) taking co-codamol (or other codeine based painkiller)

5) taking naproxen (anti inflammatory)

6) other...?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Having had pain in both sides for over 3 1/2 years, I can relate.  Drove myself absolutely looney keeping pages of info on my pain levels, diet, BMs, activities, anxiety levels, etc. without finding anything.  Doctors were no help even though I went through a lot of money.  Physical therapist gave me the best answer.  He said probably muscle damage from dragging heavy r
    • Posted

      Rocks and driftwood off local beaches.   This was before I started keeping my lists. Lists came about after pain refused to go away and doctors couldn't figure it out.

      so, yes, it appears that muscle damage can cause chronic lasting pain.

  • Posted

    So i m home from upper endoscopy. Still groggy but here are my findings...

    I have lots of gastritis from excess bile. They said when my gall bladder was removed it is now dumping bile in my stomach and they saw a hernia between my stomach and intestines. I can post more in a bit....

  • Posted

    Mine started after giving birth to my son 9 years ago. It use to come and go but has now been constant for approx 4 months. I work in a job which involves heavy lifting, stretching e.t.c so after loads of bloods done and an ultrasound scan Dr thinks its muscular. Waiting in a physio appointment now.

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