
Posted , 7 users are following.

I posted yesterday about effects of drinking on mental health and anxiety. It has now fully interrupted and messed up my sleeping patterns and today I feel awful at work, so depressed and tired and tearful and it just horrendous. I want it to stop, I just want to stop feeling like this 😦:(

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry you feel like this. can you stop alone or do you need help?

  • Posted

    Forhow long have you been drinking and how many units per week? Can you stop or do you need medication? How many friends and family can he you. Best of luck Robin

  • Posted

    Hey Jane Is this a regular occurrence? Sometimes when my Body Clock is all out of whack, I go to the Doctors and get a short supply of sleeping tablets so I can "reset" myself. But beware that these can become addictive if you rely on them too much. xx

  • Posted

    yeah i @#*&$ up tuesday same didnt sleep depressed looked like s**t..

    more determined then ever to beat this cycle.

  • Posted

    We have not heard from you after five days. How was your week?

  • Posted

    Hi , i would say firstly, if you think you have a serious drinking addiction and are experiencing any of the associated symptoms of alcohol , you should consult either doctor or can also contact alcohol addiction hotline center about it. There are a number of national alcohol support services from Govt side from where you can take advice on this. Hope you will get free from this bad habit soon!!!!

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