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I have been a bit depressed all my life. There were always some worries, a bit of anxiety etc. Interestingly, when the peri progressed, due to the hormones changes my worries simply went away and I had two wonderfull years, eventhouģh I had many bodily problems, pains etc. However, this year doom and gloom feelings are back, anxiety, sadness all the time. I am afraid it will not stop and it will remain like that. I know it is hormones, but for how long? I still have periods, some missing, i do not take any medication.
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mauiblue lena53512
Have you taken anything in your history for depression?
Is your anxiety ruining your life when you have it now?
This is all new to me so it's scary and I understand what you're going through.
Some women get through it and have no mental health issues like us just the physical ones.
Show me personally the physical symptoms are a cakewalk compared to your mental state it's basically like you're a prisoner in your own world.
Maybe find a good female dog that deals with this or functional medicine. Not sure how opposed you or to taking antidepressants but I think it's sometimes good as a Band-Aid.
And then later just plan to get off them.
This is a good site for support so feel free to write or talk thank you
lena53512 mauiblue
Dear Kauaiblue , thank you for your concern. I have always been a "sad" girl, timid, shy. At school i was "labeled" nervous and artistic type. Now i think i was a typical introvert among extraverts. Later in my life I learned to cope. I did sports, run my own business, had a demanding job. However, it is my public face, the private was (and still is) full of worries, anxiety and depressive thinking. I say, I learned to cope. I have never taken any medication. I read lots of psychology books, I had even study psychology for one year at uni.
Now, at peri, I feel and react in the similar way as in my twenties. Sometimes Í am paralysed by fears, deppresion, feeling like a stranger. I use my strategies: physical activity, creative tasks, etc. However, with other peri symptoms it is sometimes so difficult. And i see now clearly that my depressive moods are related to hormones fluctuation. Several times i skipped the period and during the skipped month I felt wonderful- full of energy, happy, strong. Today my period finished and I feel low, yesterday I had a panick attack with health anxiety. The same situation repeater several times: a period plus a week or so of depression, than my mood improved, no pms, until the next period (skipped or not).
mauiblue lena53512
I too suffer but have not had periods for 5 months now, and am 53.
I wish it would go away. How do you handle the panic attack? Do you talk yourself out of it or just wait it out?
For me these days its really up and down drastically. One day good, then next dark, then good, then dark. Its ridiculous.
My hope is that i have good days, and I have to remember that.
However its not an easy way to live your life.
I will post a discussion about reproductive depression, and hopefully some of us can respond and share what they know.
I am also an introvert
I have to show the happy face to everyone and i hate it. Physical excercise doesnt seem to do anything for me..i tried but i dont feel a difference..
I have kids to take care of and its the 3 of us alone, no family no support. So its a HEAVY burden when they look to me to be strong and im barely coping.
very difficult.
I hope to talk soon, this website of course has been so very helpful for us all.
Wishing you well Lena, i understand.
2chr2015 lena53512
lena53512 mauiblue
How I deel with anxiety? It depends on where I get an attack. The attacks are sudden and one attack has usually three waves. It lasts usually no more than 5 minutes, but mentally it lasts for ever! I try focus on deep breathing and on my fingers- I count with my fingers, watching how they move etc. If I can, i say my name slowly, and what I am doing at the moment. If at home, I go to bed for a while, or go for a short walk. Both help.
I did sports since childhood, but i struggled with physical activity between 30 and 45. I felt tired, did not like any kind of sports, hated all the sport culture, and when I switched to dancing I felt emotionally drained (and often crying) after lessons .However, last a few years I started enjoying activities again.
As for the hormonal doom and gloom, I am in the tenth day of the cycle, and since the morning , everything is almost perfect. So, something in my body has changed, and I ride high now.
I am going to read your post, hope to find more feedback from other ladies too.
rachel13481 lena53512
I am sorry that you are suffering. I can't wait until the peri is done and we all feel better.
Indifferent lena53512
debbie12340 lena53512
Hi Lena,
All I can tell you is I feel the same. It's extremely lowering isn't it ? I have know idea how long it will last I'm nearly 51 and haven't had a period for coming on 5 months. I just keep thinking it's got to end sometime surely. x