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HI ladies,
I just want to say that the sage tablets I have been taking have stopped the night sweats completely, I can cuddle up to my man again I feel so much happier and im not stripping my bed every morning.
I even had some alcohol on friday (not encouraging this !) and it had no effect in the fact that it did not magnify any Peri symptoms.
I am not saying this will work for everyone, but i am so happy i needed to share this.
I am drinking Lemon in warm water every day on the whole I feel great!
Tomorrow accorng to the Hormone App that someone said to try, I am supposed to have a big dip in hormone levels as i make my descent into my monthly cycle, I will let you all know if the sage still prevents that dredded soaked bedding during this time. fingers crossed it does!
Thank God for sage !
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Sochima822 ali60826
They are highly recommended to hot flashes but then there's also a pill called hot flash that worked just as well. Thank goodness. Have a nice day.
metamorphed ali60826
The Hormone app, is there a name for it, or is it called just that. really interested in using this. thanks!
ali60826 metamorphed
It's called hormone horoscope it really helps to understand you cyclic mood on a daily basis. It only really helps I guess if your Peru and still having monthly cycles. X
metamorphed ali60826
davida39072 ali60826