Same Question, am i going in the deep pan ?

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G'day ,

Dante here, am 32 years old. I started drinking ( 6 pack beer on every weekend friday night ) 4 years ago and i smoke ummm been 6 years now but very light smoker. Anyway since start of this year i have been drinking 1 bottle of white wine 12% Alc every night.

i have noticed that i almost drink a bottle of wine 12%Alc 5 days a week while having 3 cigiz a night yeah. so its like a bottle plus 3 ciggiz that makes sense ? Anyway , i have tried numerous times where i went cold turkey and didnt touch no alcohol for like a week or so and yes i did thought about having it but i didnt aye.

Anyway me point is that i drink like 4 lit of water easily a day run 1 hour a day am 6.3 feet tall and weigh 85kg, and i have found out the reason i do drink is cuz when i come back from work i call me folks and while talking to them i just drink the bottle but ofcourse slowly and while in taking water as well.

am i drinking too much ? honestly i do feel a bit uncomfy just under me rib cage on right handside but its temporary and doesnt really hurt. I am super good at me work ( business analyst) and i dont drink no other fuzzy drinks. I do eat a lot of almonds and other dry fruit not heavy on meat stuff as well.

what do you guys recon aye ?am i going to go in the deep pan quickly ? i aint going to die right ?



(Australia )

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Dante -

    That is well beyond the low-risk drinking limit, I think you'd feel differently if you at least throttled that back hard for a bit. Does alcoholism run in the family? 

    • Posted

      Its below? I thought i was sculling down too much aye. Right o cheers i do a bottle a night but i dont drink on sat or Sunday its more like detox days haha.

      Nah am the only one who drinks. Both me parents and siblings are too religious.

    • Posted

      You are having about 50 units a week, Dante, which is nearly double the maximum recommended amount. It's good that you have two days when you don't drink and good that you keep fit and eat healthily and have plenty water. If you could reduce to half a bottle a night that would be great.

    • Posted

      Well, you might consider going dry for 2-3 months and see how you feel. Or maybe cut back to 2 drinks a day (750ml bottle of wine at 13% would be 8 standard Oz drinks). 

      If you can't manage that, then you may need to look at some other options. You could maybe check out the Moderation Management online community, converse with some folks there that are looking to keep it down to a dull roar. 

    • Posted

      You have misunderstood Ade.

      He was saying BEYOND the low-risk drinking limit, so yes, you're heading for trouble. In other words, you're drinking far too much.

  • Posted

    You don't drink alot...but I'm wondering why you wanted to post in the alcohol forum? Do you think that you drink alot?  

    It doesn't seem to be impacting your health, job or relationships..but that doesn't mean that you are not an alcoholic...that just means it doesn't appear to me impacting any important things at this time.  

    How long can you go without a drink?

    I know that you said when you don't drink you are thinking of it....hmmmm.

    Alcoholism is progressive...since you are only may not be "deep pan" material at this time...but if you are an alcoholic that continues to may find as you get older it will start to impact your life in a signifiant manner (job, relationships, health).


  • Posted

     "I thought I was sculling down too much"

    YOU ARE!!!

    Read all the other posts - Ade then suggests you stay off the bottle for a while. H suggests you cut in half your drinking, and Misssy makes the pertinent comment that you posted this on the Alcohol Problems forum.........

    • Posted

      Sorry folks about posting it on to the wrong forum. My mistake.

      Thank you all for the kind advise and ultimatum. I didn't drink last night and bloody oath am not going to do this again to me self. From now its back to 6 pack of premium lager once a week on Saturday night while watching footy.

      I aint letting this get to me . But with much appreciation thank you all and Yes you all made an impact on me life. I have a strong will and dedication. So stuff this every night pointless drinking.

      Cheers all.

      Sorry Mods for posting it to the wrong forum aye.

    • Posted

      Hey Dante, you're in the right forum! Keep on telling us how it's going for you, right here. This is the right place, no mistake at all. 

      Congrats on cutting it back, stay on that track and tell us how you're doing with it. We'd love to hear from you again, don't go away!

    • Posted

      Dante, that's not what I meant at all!

      I think Misssy meant that you have suspicions already that you're drinking too much, which is why you QUITE RIGHTLY came to this forum.

      I'm so sorry if I confused you. Please stay with us.

  • Posted

    You did come on the right forum and got good advice and have learnt where it can go if you don't do something about it now. Pleased that you have stopped during the week. If you do find yourself drinking daily again or drink too much at weekends, binge, then you know where to come for help.

    Good luck and stay healthy dante ??

  • Posted

    my post was interpreted INCORRECTLY.....I mentioned you posted on this ALCOHOL forum to point out that YOU think alcohol is a problem for you.

    I don't care where ANYONE posts...and I think if I are in the right place 

    • Posted

      I understood what you were saying misssy, it was a warning that Dante is worried re drinking everyday, and you were saying that's how we all started out at the beginning in our 30's. Your advice was good so don't worry. All we have said has helped XX

    • Posted

      I just felt bad there for a minute because HE thought I was saying he posted on incorrect forum...apologizing...saying he will have moderator remove the post..

      I never would make anyone feel unwelcome.  SO..I wanted to clear up the mis interpertation...SO GOOD to see you.

    • Posted

      Yes, it's about time she got out of bed, even if it's only to buy M... L....

      DANTE DANTE    You misunderstood! You're in the right forum. PLEASE stay.

    • Posted


      Also alonangel has got a whole van of them being delivered RIGHT NOW.

    • Posted

      Ay you, Tess! I've been out of bed 3 days now. The Paxil withdrawal is hell. 2 weeks in now. Only been to Drs (5 mins away) she's given me something to help with horrible withdrawals. Not drank for over a week though don't count "do not count the days, make the days count" I've been told. No cravings for alcohol or anything, apart from feeling normal and getting my life back. Didn't like the malt loaf, gave it to dad!! 

      I know you were joking btw!

      Thanks misssy for the welcome back. Hope you're doing well. 

      Wheres Angel, Kelly, Vickylou, And the others all gone? Hope they are all ok? Will start a new post when I'm ready.

      And most of all, Dante...good luck and stay with us 


    • Posted

      Angel, Kelly and Vickylou are in negotiations with a malt loaf supplier. They think there's a gap in the market - so far too busy to write to the consumers.


    • Posted

      I hate psychiatrist...mine told me that I was NOT withdrawing from my antidpressent anymore after 1.5 weeks.....I KNOW I am..the hospital gave me a script for withdrawals.

      Sick of Drs...sick of hospitals.

      That is so good you haven't drank in a week!


    • Posted

      Hate hospitals but my new doctor has been amazing and my counsellor from DAAS ( alcohol Advisery NOT ADDACTION!) has helped me so much too.( phone appointments as not well enough to drive into town yet). 

      Tess you do make me lol ! Mrs Malt loaf !!! 

      Nicola missing too and many more. Could just be me as not been well enough to read all new discussions over the last few weeks X 

    • Posted

      Its really hard to keep up with the notifications...its overwhelming because we don't just get notifications from the posts we commented on or the threads we started..but any random person we have EVER talked to and everything they post on or start.

      Yes, this website seems to be very boring if someone isn't suffering.

      Not that I want anyone to suffer..I'm just saying...that is the only time there are 'live" posts.


    • Posted

      Didn't know (or forgot) you were taking Paxil. Alcohol Abuse is listed as a side effect under Psychiatric (-uncommon):

      " (0.1% to 1%): Abnormal thinking, alcohol abuse, bruxism, euphoria, hallucinations, hostility, lack of emotion, manic reaction, neurosis, paranoid reaction"

      Google "Paxil Side Effects in Detail" and look for the Drugs (dot) com article by that title. 

      In any case, it sounds like you're past the rough part. It's good to hear from you again, Paper!!

    • Posted


      Am not going anywhere ??. Just busy with work yesterday was me first day after 3 weeks gap that i went surfing. I was so happy just me board and the ocean. So ladies and gents i have increased me time at gym doing cross fit as well and back to surfing. 2 days have been clean and while the weekend approaches am already going out of the city . Going to camp in the outback aye..

      No2 am not saying that i aint going to drink probably next Saturday. But only an6 pack beer thats all and i got me reminders all over me head that it's only 6 pack every friday night thats all..

      Ofcourse am going to update you guys punched some sense in me head mate so hell yeah.

      Anyway. Thank you all for ur help but am going to update you all on me progress aye.

      Cheers u lovely ladies and kind gentlemen.


    • Posted

      Great news, Dante! I think you've got a good plan there. Glad to see you back and looking forward to hearing from you again. 

    • Posted

      Thanks ADE. Have googled it. So tired so off to bed now. Will respond tomorrow. It's hell!

      Dante, great to hear how well it's going . Good night...

    • Posted

      Nice...action you are taking for yourself...a role model for ME...I keep saying I'm going to join the gym....but I haven't...yet in 2 have surfed and worked out hard!

      Have fun on your camping trip!


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