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i have a do you all keep yourself from freaking out when your heart is in afib or just throwing PVC's or pauses or skipping beats..i need some calming pointers.thank you so much

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    It's hard to stay calm when I am in afib , but I've noticed the more freaked out I get the worse the afib gets .

  • Posted

    It happens and it is not gonna kill me. I don't take any regular medications now as they give bad side effects. If very bad I'll take a 1.25mg bisoprolol.

  • Posted

    When I go into afib I don't really freak out. Unless I can feel something is different from what it usually is. Other way whenever I do go into afib I get massive pressure feeling on my chest!! I mean really heavy pressure. Always need morphine on i.v. to take the edge of the pressure feeling. Plus it keeps me calm as well. Also each and every single time I go into afib I go to the emergency room and get hooked up. Ain't taking no chances. And then it is documented how many times and how bad it is. Waiting for the go ahead on a Maze Procedure.

  • Posted

    Used to feel myself starting to panic.....which made it worse. Now that i fully understand whats happening, I take a more "hey ho" approach, and try to get myself settled and relaxed. I try to keep my breathing steady and just go with it. Im fortunate that I revert on my own too.

  • Posted

    It isnt easy. I just came off a 10 day bout. Its extremely annoying and scary. I did the process of elimination hoping I could find a trigger but I dont know if there is one. I feel on the edge of going back in all the time. I walk . It does help and sometimes can reset. Dont push it and if heart rate is going higher dont do it.
  • Posted

    Thank you everyone...I do not take any medication and my biggest fear is a stoke.i have 2 friend that have had one from other things other than afib but still it's devastating and so scary to me..I panic.i have had different arrhythmias since 85 and was diagnosed with a fib 2 years ago went to the ER and right before they were going to cardio version me it kicked back into normal rhythm ..thank cardiologist doesn't seem concerned so I take nothing ..I have on and off afib that lasts a few minutes but nothing longer but it scares the crap out of me ..You think I should be use to this by now but I don't think I ever will be..I am a whole different person now .i don't want to go anywhere far away from a hospital .this has house bound me for sure .i asked about the coping skills cuz I need to not let afib run my life like it has so far. thank you for all your input I really appreciate it and this site..I guess the old saying misory loves company is true.🙏

    • Posted

      Ask your cardiologist about the Amplatzer amuluet or the Watchman device. In America they are FDA approved and they close the left atrial appendage where clots form so no need for warfarin or NOACs ever again. I'm in the UK where the NHS will not pay for the procedure due to cost restrictions at the present time. I had the amplatzer fitted privately six weeks ago,  

    • Posted

      Derek, has the watchman' device worked so far with no problems? How do they insert the device in your heart ?

    • Posted

      I had the Amplatzer Amulet. It is inserted through the femoral artery. The procedure takes abour an hour and a half. If done in the morning you are home the same day. Mine was not done until late afternoon so I had to stay overnight.

      I had an echocardiogram after three weeks and it showed as being properly seated and have no need for another follow up. 

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