Sarcoidois and cancer
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?My Mum has sarcoidois and has - after several months worth of tests - has been (by some professionals) diagnoised with lung cancer. The only treatment being offered in the removal of two thirds of one lung and that she might not survive the operation. Has anyone else had this form of operaton in their mid 70s and survivied.
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broadsword heather60513
Best wishes
heather60513 broadsword
Hi broadsword,
It is hard because you want the best quality of life for your loved ones. Mum is going for the pre op tests again so that will hopefully help make her decision. Bless her she doesn't want to be a burden - as if she could be - we want her to be be well.
tony35673 heather60513
heather60513 tony35673
broadsword heather60513
Hello Heather
you are so right, we want the best for loved ones. Stay strong and look after yourself during this difficult time and continue to help mum make the right decisions. These illnesses have a huge psychological impact ( don't I know it ) so try to reassure mum she is not a burden
Best wishes