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This Thursday I am due to get a polyp removed by General anaesthetic.I am really scared as I am really obese and the thought of going under General anaesthetic really frightens me.

I would really like to hear from some women who have this done and who are very overweight like myself.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated..........Heather x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    i am not obese but i have been under general twice for kidney stones! You will be fine they wouldnt donit otherwise there is always risk in it and i was scared as well but itvwoll be all good!

  • Posted

    One of my friends who was larger went under for a more intensive op and she came through fine. The other lady is right they don't do it unless they are sure you will be okay. If you were high risk they would not do it for a polyp.

  • Posted

    Dear Heather,

    Try not to worry too much! I know it's scary but this is an easy operation for the doctors. (Not for you I know!) I had this same operation when I was quite overweight ... and on blood pressure medicine. You are under unaesthetic for less than an hour which is less stressful for the body. I was very happy with the results of the operation. The polyp was causing a lot of bleeding... Good Luck! Rachel

  • Posted

    Thank you for replying .

    I am a person that has severe health anxiety and having all this weight and as well as that worrying about the result of the polyp if it is cancerous or not.

    I first went with post menopausal bleeding in March and we are now in mid May it is a long time when you are a crazy chick like me. (that comment is for me personally, I do not wish to be derogatory to any other person dealing with issues).

    Wishing all you ladies well......Heather x

  • Posted

    they did kine in clinic after having to cancel it due to my bp being too high. i manag ed to get bp down but then the consultant said we can do it in clinic. ask if yours can be dine that way. its uncomfortable but bearable good luck

  • Posted

    praying for you today hope everything goes well and you can move on xx god bless xx

  • Posted

    Well, had my op and I did have problems they wouldn't let me leave because I wasn't getting enough oxygen in my blood.

    Seemingly this was happening before the operation but they did it anyway.

    As I mentioned to Kerry earlier have had the polyp removed and they have fitted the merina coil. Just to wait for the result of the polyp to see if it was okay that will take three weeks (oh joy) and lose quite a lot of weight .

    Had the lower regions all bruised and battered today and what hurts my throat it is sooo !!!! sore.

    Thanks for all your lovely encouragement please consider yourselves honorary sisters as I am the only girl in big family of boys. .........Heather x

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