Scared! Feel like I can't breath!

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hi all. at around 4pm today I git this feeling all of a sudden that I couldn't breath. I felt like something was stuck in my throat. I felt like I needed to clear my throat like cough but felt like I couldn't catch my breath. I then felt a bit lightheaded.. I checked my oxygen level and it read 99. right know again I have the same feeling like I'm suffocating and not getting enough air into my lungs.. It feels like when I swallow there's nothing to swallow and feels like I have to clear my throat. and it feels like my throat is gonna close up and I will pass out. i had a chest xray a few weeks ago so it can't be asthma or anything like that ?? my oxygen is at 99 still. help.

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3 Replies

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    Rachel you are fine! you need to sit down or lay down snd breathe long and slow through your nose and then blow out slowly through your mouth like you’re blowing out a candle. Do this several times, while you are doing that I think of something that is very beautiful and pleasant. It could be nature, or anything else.

    this is exactly what anxiety does but don’t let it control you.

    Just acknowledge that you have anxiety and that it can create some weird sensations. Tell yourself that in a very calm way and a matter-of-fact way. Breathe. Relax. Play some soothing music or meditation for relaxation.

    remember what we said about conversion disorder. There’s nothing actually wrong but people have weird symptoms. You are OK!

  • Posted

    if your chest x-ray was normal then you don’t have to worry. What I believe you were going through is panic which can make you feel like you can’t breathe .

    you can get instant help with panic if you search YouTube for panic attack. They talk you through it

    • Posted

      thank u Jan. im hoping my medication starts working soon. I started them wedesday 💖 I really have had enough of this anxiety

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