Scared feeling so low, depressed and NO ENERGY AT ALL!!!
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Scared I'm feeling so low last few weeks, depressed, NO ENERGY AT ALL!!! Can hardly find energy to make a cuppa tea, have a shower and walk my dogs. Just this HORRIBLE FEELING OF GLOOM, DREAD OF NEVER FEELING BETTER. nothing seems to motivate me, lost interest in things, feeling like I don't have a purpose, it's scaring holy crap out of me.
Could this really be perimenopause??
Does anyone else feel like this...?
Terrified I won't get through it, then all the bloody anxiety, panic attacks and terrifying thoughts come, that is this what happenes to people who get depression, that they will commit suicide. Hate even saying the word!!!
It sends chills down my spine, terrified that would I ever do that and would if ever get out of control and it consume you to the point you would contemplate it. As you here of so many people doing it, including my mum had an attempt after we lost my dad, then she battled cancer, was told she had 2weeks to live. Was devastating time for us all. But by a miracle she pulled through with alot of care and alternative therapy. But then that happen, so I worry that my mum even tried it, and this adds fuel to the fire!!!
I don't know if its my anxiety, fear of it makes it worse and plays on my mind. Then terrified I would ever get to that point.
The negative horrible what if anxiety thing.
Does anyone get this, feel like this, is it perimenopause, can it really make you feel SOOOO HURRENDOUS....???
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patient_mod1 RACHAEL2411
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
Kindest regards
kelly55079 RACHAEL2411
Yes. I have felt low with no energy at all. In fact I just posted about this earlier. It's a terrible feeling and my hormones are flying all around. I take it day by day and if all I can do is make dinner that day, so be it. It's ok with me as I know I can only do so much. I don't have anything that interests me at the moment which is fine too-- my goal is to take care of myself each day. I should be decorating for the holidays and cooking more for my family BUT just no desire. When I feel better, I will-- or just play it by ear. There are times that I'm worried and frustrated but find that if I do some kind of exercise or even talk with a friend, my anxiety goes down. Talking with a therapist also helps-- I have one that I see when I feel like I need 'something else' in my life. Take care and hope this passes soon!!
Nettie261962 RACHAEL2411
YES... this can all be part of menopause. But that being said, do seek medical help if your thoughts get too dark. I'm not a big medicine taker, but feel its necessary in some cases. Our hormones can get so out of balance that it can cause depression, anxiety, panic attacks, pain, insomnia, dizziness and more. Sometimes it's bigger than us and that's when it's time to seek medical help. If you can handle on your own, I found that exercise, keeping busy with your hobbies, stay involved with friends and family, eating well, getting enough sleep and limiting alcohol really helps. You will get through this! Keep on the forum. The ladies are amazing and offer great support. Sending a big air hug!
lisa30097 RACHAEL2411
Hi Rachael , sorry to hear you feel like this. i’m also feeling the exact same as yourself. Ive now been to the doctors and now taking antidepressants and tablets for anxiety. I have good days and bad days. I am also hoping this all goes away. I myself don’t understand why i feel like this and wish i had the answer for both of us . I work full time and I am very much struggling . I hope maybe someone has an answer to why we both feel like this at this time in our life.
Kind regards
mrs_susan74280 lisa30097
HI , what antidepressant are you on, please
linda79797 RACHAEL2411
Yes, it's the Peri Rachel. Don't worry keep your head up i went through the same exact thing in 2014. I know it seems like its never gonna get better but i assure you it will. Keep active as much as possible....walking and eating and staying busy. You will make it. This too shall pass is what i kept saying to keep my sanity. Its a horrible horrible thing but thank God you have this forum to vent . I wish i came across this when i was going through Peri. My last period was june 2015 so i thought i was clear....not the case. Last month on the 6th i started spotting and even for a few days a full on period. So thought i done with that. Long story short ive been diagnosed with Endometrial Hyperplasia and a fibroid. Im going to have a Hysterectomy im so over 49 years old and i just want to be over this awful scary thing. Wish me luck all.God bless you all.
2chr2015 linda79797
linda i hope all goes well with your surgery. keep us updated and let us know how you are doing
mauiblue RACHAEL2411
Hi Rachel
Yes a lot of what you are saying i have felt on any given day. The anxiety/depression does play tricks on your mind. Were thinking about many negative thoughts, its hard to get these thoughts out of your head.
Ruminating about the what ifs can make you crazy like. Step back and atleast tell yourself that they are just thoughts, thats it.
Having support right now is big, or atleast it is for me. I have very little of it that is how i know im missing it. If i talk to someone, a friend or at work, im supported and it helps clear my mind. This forum is very helpful..
Im sorry your going through this, because its really an unbelievably horrible thing to be going through.
im there with you, i understand completely and so do many other women here.