Scared i have a brain tumour
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Hi Everyone
This is a long message and I apologise but I feel like I am going out my mind and I am scared I have a brain tumour.
It all started a few weeks ago after a heavy night out drinking in town and the next day I felt rubbish and dizzy and where as must people would put it down to a hangover or the effects of booze, I convinced myself that I had kidney or liver failure as i never get hangovers. And then on the Monday it continued and my symptoms have got worse and basically that was 4 weeks ago now.
The main symptom is an awful feeling/sensation in my head, it's so hard to describe but basically it's not dizziness but maybe you could call it light headed and it feels like I have pressure moving around my head, especially near my eyes. It happens several times a day, sometimes for an hour, other times it feels like it's nearly all day, when it happens I can't concentrate or focus on things, I spend all day on a laptop at work and I find myself pressing the wrong keys sometimes.
Also it feels like everything around me is too 'busy' and unless it's in my direct line of vision and close to me then I can't concentrate or focus on it. A good example of this is driving, when it happens whilst I drive it feels like everything outside of the windscreen is just too much for me, I don't know if it feels too bright or too much movement but I have to look at the centre of my steering wheel or something close to me in the car to feel okay.
For the first 2 weeks I was convinced I had liver or kidney issues but then this head sensation of pressure/light head - if you can even describe it as that - has got worse and now i think it could be a brain tumour and I am really scared.
I thought i had a brain tumour at the start of the year cos I had a twitching eye for months that won't go away and my Dr referred me to hospital to see a specialist who said he was confident I didn't have a tumour but he never gave me a scan and now i am thinking he may have missed it. I also know it's not my eyes cos I had an eye test in August and my vision was perfect.
I went to the Drs last week and he took my blood pressure which he said was fine and he sent me to have all my bloods done to test for everything. I go back tomorrow for the results but I am really scared. Will a blood test even show signs of a tumour? and say they come back fine, then what?? I know there's something defiantly up because why else would I be getting this weird head feeling/sensation every day?!
It's driving me crazy!
I could cope if it happened for like 5mins a day but this is nearly all day everyday.
The only time it seems to ease a little is weekends and if I am playing ps4 but even then I still get it but it may only be half the day rather then all day.
Has anyone any advice at all as I feel like I am going mad! I can't even remember what it feels like to feel normal anymore.
My family and friends don't understand as they think it's just me being dramatic again but it's not, there really is something strange and not right going on in my head 😦
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leeniepie Blackpoolwolf
Firstly, calm down. It is extremely unlikely you have a brain tumour. It sounds mostly like you have eye/muscle strain from looking at a computer all day. Worse case scenario it could be migraine.
Blackpoolwolf leeniepie
I haven't been getting a headache or migraine, it's a weird feeling I can't explain
leeniepie Blackpoolwolf
You can get migraine without the headache, it's called silent migraine. It causes fuzziness/lightheadedness visual disturbances, inability to concentrate, things too bright or too loud etc
loxie leeniepie
Very good suggestion - silent migraine can produce all the symptoms mentioned - especially for someone who is in a permanent stress situation with hypochondriasis - ie severe health anxiety. We are not doctors so obviously cannot tell you that you dont have either liver cancer or brain cancer - you need to listen to your doctor and you could also speak to your doctor about your anxiety issues and perhaps they can prescribe medication for the anxiety.
Blackpoolwolf loxie
I saw my Dr this morning and he said all my bloods came back fine but would a grain tumour show in blood tests?
He doesn't think it's all in my head, one possible thing he said was that it could be chronic sinusitis but I tried to explain I am not in any pain or headaches which surely you would get with sinusitis?
Anyway he's put me on 2 weeks antibiotics and i have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks
loxie Blackpoolwolf
I didnt mean to indicate that I thought you were imagining it or that it was 'all in your head' - but it must be understood that anxiety can cause some very real and very severe health issues and symptoms and it may be that on top of any diagnosis the doctor suggests, additional debilitating symptoms could be increased by your understandable anxiety that you have something much more serious or life threatening. Best advice any non medical professional can give you is please listen to your doctor and follow their advice and perhaps look at ways of reducing your stress levels - you'll probably find that a lot of the horrible symptoms will decrease if you are able to lessen your anxiety.
Blackpoolwolf loxie
sorry I wasn't meaning I thought you meant it was all in my head, I was just saying what dr said to me.