Scared of simple partial seizures
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hi guyd I have had in the past these sudden depression/sadness feelings that only last seconds since i was a kid but last summer they have becoome more frequent like. twice a day, when in the past they only happened like 4 times a year and I'm scared thhis is a sign of a brain tumor because they could be seizures, and also i have smelled phantom smell of smoke and of strawberries although that happened once. I also have chronic headaches and shooting pain in my head, my joint also hurt.
Anyone can relate to this? i'm so scared I can't even sleep
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debbie_80480 michelletatiana
Although I'm much older now and have complex partial seizures I relate completely to what you're saying.
I had increasing seizures (with fear being a large factor) - possibly one of your symptoms. These "smells", headaches (very common in epilepsy due to brain activity) are typical of many types of seizures.
Why don't you go and see your Dr. and have a chat, I'm sure you'll be reassured. You may have a support group near you to attend.
Just a couple of ideas but I hope they help.
Please, please try not to worry......It may worsen your symptoms creating a vicious circle.
The National Society for Epilepsy have a helpline to ring too. You will find their number online, speaking to them may help. Good luck, honey.
michelletatiana debbie_80480
Hi Debbie, Thank you for replying xx. So your seizure are due to epilepsy? I had a eeg and it was normal but I'm still scared why it is happening. Would one have epileptic disorder and the eeg normal as well?
debbie_80480 michelletatiana
Hi Michelle,
My first EEG was when I was a teenager and came back negative, making me confused (as well as Dr) but neurologist told me they could not say conclusively at (approx) 16 yrs old as my brain was not fully developed.
It was not fully confirmed until I was 28! I lived with uncertainty for a long time.
I don't know if you're taking any medication.....and don't want to worry you but medication can also cause side effects.
Talking to your Dr. and a helpline as I mentioned may help to reassure you that nothing more is wrong.
Please don't forget, my tests were done in the 1970s and and 1980s and technology has moved on a LONG way since then as have treatments.
Good luck, and please talk to someone as I'm sure it will help. You've made the first step of communication by posting on here! You can do it and receive some reassurance. X
michelletatiana debbie_80480
Thank you again Debbie, well I'm 22 years old, maybe my brain is still developing so it might be that it won't show anything until 25??? I've heard the brain develops even until your late 20s so that might be a reason it didn't show anything or maybe I just don't have seizures :s As I stated in my first post the became frequent last year the sadness feelings but they aren't happening frequently nor are the "phantom smells"it only happened twice in 7 months so maybe I'm just overreacting and hypersensitive? I do suffer from depression and health anxiety and in the past I had thought I had lots of diseases but yeah last year was terrifying cause I was convinced it was a brain tumor and I was having seizures because of it *sigh* I've already booked a visit to another neurologist to get another eeg and a mri but I'm scared although I guess I have to face my fears.. Thank you so much for replying me, regards and blessings for you and your faimily
Bobzumba68 michelletatiana
The down or depressed feeling might be low blood pressure. Phantom smells could be caused by aura . Have experienced them few times, and feel neurons connected to your noise become super sensitive, and any irritation produces sensation of smell. Anxiety can cause headaches. Try meditation Seeing a neurologist can eliminate brain cancer concerns. If phantom smell did not did not lead to more complex seizure than not much to worry about. Guess you'll need to worry about getting old and all the aches sure to come. Little by little try to memorize all the presidents to break the over concentration on negatives what if. .
michelletatiana Bobzumba68
Hi Bobzumba, well my blood pressure is always normal when they chek it but maybe it happens suddenly and the goes away like that cause there was a time I suffered from orthostatic hypotension but I got better now. Well I don't know what aura is in the medical field haha but I had persistent mucus smells in my nose but that one I'm sure is real, maybe sinus issues??? That could explain the headaches and the weird smell idk. Hahah you're right I'm only 22, finishing my psychology degree and trying to keep going and learn as much as I can but sometimes with depression and health anxiety the future becomes dark and I can't be as happy as my age peers cause I think I'm a terminally ill. Thanks for your advice, regards