Scared out of my mind!
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Hi Ladies!
I haven't asked any questions on a while, I've been doing pretty well with symptoms and the Estrace cream has been doing really well with the AV.
However I got news today and I'm terrified! I had my 6 month general blood work and check up last Friday. My doc called today and has referred me to an oncologist. My white blood cell count is out of control. Normal is supposedly up to 11, which us what it was in June. This time is 14.9..
My question is, if anyone knows, can meno cause this? I'm now freaking out completely thinking maybe the meno symptoms are something else... I go to the specialist on the 21st. My anxiety is so high I'm not sure I'm gonna make it 😢
Any thoughts would be appreciated!!
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gailannie Gigi368
A quick google search shows that an elevated white blood cell count can be caused by many things, including an infection. And as well, it seems that these numbers can change over time. There are also some sites that offer things you can do, that may help lower your white blood cell count.
What I will offer is something my mom always said, "Stop worrying. It 's all the things you worry about that never happen." And darn she was right. So tr to put your mind at ease.
Gigi368 gailannie
Gail as usual you're right.. I'm just so scared, it's hard not to worry..
HopefulTrina Gigi368
Hello, I have not experienced anything with the WBC, but just wanted you to know I'm praying for a good outcome for you. Be encouraged
Gigi368 HopefulTrina
littleme1969 Gigi368
I wouldn't worry too much.. i had a constant high white sell count for 2 years when peri first kicked off.. It was like my body was constantly fighting an infection. The fact is peri can cause old virues such as glandular fever , herpes etc to flare as your resistance is low at this point. When this happens you dont tend to get crazy symptoms so you just put it down to peri... and as long as your body is out of balance the virus can continue to cause a reaction with your white cells. Often people get refereed and nothing is really pin pointed.
Gigi368 littleme1969
I had a hysto 16 yrs ago, kept my ovaries, so I have no idea where I'm at in the process. My gyno and my GP both tell me a hormone level test is pointless bc they can and will change hourly. Technically I've been post since I've had no monthly for all these years. But cancer runs in my family and I'm terrified! Thank you for telling me what your experience was. I've never had any illness that would stay with you such as herpes.. but I do have high blood pressure, 2 tricky heart valves that cause A-fib and raised cholesterol. I'm 49 5'3 and 130 lbs, and eat a decent diet. He thinks my body is over producing the cholesterol bc my whole family is like that. So I know I have inflammation, I'm wondering if that can cause the wbc to be high.
2chr2015 Gigi368
Gigi368 2chr2015
Not really, I see my gyno for all lady problems. I told him about the joint and muscle pains, but those didn't start until after I started the Estrace. And those happen to be side effects so he didn't think much about them.
His favorite thing to yell at me about is my cholesterol.. I see him mainly bc my insurance requires referrals to any doc other than him. So I see my gyno for woman issues and my cardiologist for my heart issues. He takes care of my blood pressure, any other minor illnesses etc.. he didn't even want me back in for a follow up to see if he could get to the bottom of it, just made the referral to an oncologist. Apparently the last few years my WBC has been up and down but never this high and it's alarmed him.
2chr2015 Gigi368
Gigi368 2chr2015
Thank you!! I'll update when I know something. 🤗
amanda59745 Gigi368
Gigi368 amanda59745
I know all about anxiety.. I take meds for it..
I've stayed away from Google, unfortunately once upon a time I was a veterinary technician, our systems aren't much different than a dog or cat. So i have aome medical knowledge, but just enough that I'm running thru every bad scenario i can think of. The first thing that sprang to my mind was leukemia.
I seriously feel fine, no fevers, sniffles, UTIs, just my basic aches and pains.
I go next week but it already feels like a year. I'm barely functioning.. sleep is impossible.
Thank you for the encouragement!!!
amanda59745 Gigi368
Gigi368 amanda59745
I haven't slept well in 13 yrs. Stress is a daily factor in my life, no avoiding it. Slight background, I was going thru a divorce and before it went before the judge my now ex had a motorcycle accident that left him brain damaged and in a nursing home. His family didn't want the responsibility of seeing to him, so not only was my divorce granted but I have POA and am his care taker and advocate, I couldn't in good conscience leave him to the state. I have to be available 24/7. I sat in the hospital all last weekend cuz he's started having seizures. Sleep is something that's elusive. If I get 4 to 5 hours I think I won the lottery.
My Xanax don't even make me sleepy. My house is so spotless bc that's what I do when I'm nervous. I'm not sure what more I can clean lol
I can't concentrate on reading, playing my online games etc. I feel lost.
Your encouragement helps! Thank you!!!
2chr2015 Gigi368
Hi GIgi. You definitely need a break of some kind. That puts a lot of stress on anyone much less someone in meno! Have you tried anything else for sleep? I am in the process of trying some different meds. I'm like you though, 4-5 hours is good. My therapist said that is absolutely not enough. Well duh. We could probably cope better if we slept better. Anyways let us know how the appt goes on the 21st. I'll be thinking about you ((hugs))
Gigi368 2chr2015
Thank you!!!
Im allergic to the sleep agent in sleeping pills.. and I have a fear of medication, not a good thing to have when dealing with med issues. I was put on a water pill 4 yrs ago and it almost killed me. It took every bit of my potassium out of my system and my heart nearly exploded. Since then it takes an act of God to talk me into trying anything. It took me 2 weeks to get the courage up to use the Estrace. I just keep plodding along like a zombie and it's only gotten worse, no matter what I do I can't get the doom and gloom out of my head. It was made worse this morning cuz I had to fill out 15 pages of questions for the oncologist. I haven't even bothered to put up a tree for Christmas and my 4 grandbabies will be here Christmas Eve. Trying hard to shake this off but I'm not doing very well. I just want it go be over. The unknown is what's worse for me...