Scared, please help.

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I've had a headache since Saturday. Paracetamol and ibuprofen don't get rid of it. It's on the left hand side and hurts more when I move my head to the left or bend down. I'm gonna ring the doctors when they open but I'm convinced it's something serious and I'm a wreck!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Ok try to calm down, it sounds like nothing serious, but I am not a dr, so I urge you to see him, if hes not available and  you are still worried, go to emergency and present them with a headache that has been with you since sunday and nothing helps.  Do you have any ither symptoms, like dizziness or flashing lights, feeling sick, weakness down one side?

    Get back to me when you can to update us, we are here to help.

    Take care and best wishes

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. The Dr thinks it's been a virus but I've got myself so worried about it the stress has made the headache worse. He gave me a check over, checked my blood pressure and backs of my eyes to check for pressure and he says I'm fine x

    • Posted

      But didnt he see how stressed you was?  He seems to have fobbed you off Rhubarb.  Did he say anything about an MRI and or seeing a Neurologist?  Dont just accept what he says.  How are you feeling now you are home?  Maybe you might consider something herbal to relax you a bit?  Something like Kalms?  For the pain you can take stronger painkillers like codiene which the strongest you can buy over the counter is in solpadiene max.  Or try something with dyhydrocodiene in, which you can ask the pharmacist for.  If its actually a migraine you can get imigran.  Hope this helps.

      Take care and hope you soon feel better.

      Best wishes

    • Posted

      He was quite thorough with his questions etc. I forgot to mention that I also suffer from panic disorder, health anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder and agoraphobia; hence stress being a factor. I have diazepam to take when needed, I was pretty much headache free for most of the return of the day however now it's back again so have taken paracetamol, ibuprofen and a diazepam. I don't like to take codeine as it makes me feel sick and I have a phobia of being sick.

      Goodness I sound like a nutcase haha x

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