Scared. - Please help!!

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Today is the 15th day of me taking 20mg Citalopram and it's been a horrible two weeks with arms and back burning, burning stomach, stiff muscles, pins and needles in legs, random pains in my body, palpitations and wakefulness.

I slept quite well last night and had a reasonable day today even going out to a few shops with my husband but this afternoon out of the blue, my heart started beating really fast. I went for a lie down and think I dropped off then woke with a start and my pulse was even higher (113 ).

Over the last few months I've gone to A&E several times worried that I might have a heart problem due to having chest pains and feeling weird but 4 ECGs and bloods say everything is okay.

My doctor said it's all down to anxiety but I can't seem to stop thinking about it. I don't seem to be able to make my pulse go back down for ages! Do you think it's all anxiety or the medication side effects? Is this level of pulse rate dangerous? I'm very scared!

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7 Replies

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    Everything you are going through does sound exactly like anxiety yes. You appear to be having fight or flight rushes and increased anxiety still, which is normal in these few few weeks. This type of anxiety makes the head spin and you will feel like you have something seriously wrong with you and yes you will be scared. But, try to remember that you have had these tests and if something was seriously wrong it would have been picked up. Accepting it's anxiety is the first initial step in over coming all this, and it's very hard.

    Medication helps eventually, but it's our thinking that needs the most work.

    Stress and anxiety are like a transaction. We only perceive the threat based on how we belive we will cope and then cognitively we assess it and if we deem the problem to be serious then our body/brain begin to fight it. (fight or flight).

    Everyday you have to wake up and use this mantra. ' whatever I feel like today, I can handle it'. Challenge your negative thoughts with something more likely. So for example. ' is this level of pulse rate dangerous'? Cue (racing thoughts) to 'how can I reduce my pulse rate right now"? And practice some deep breathing and mindfulness. This will naturally bring your blood pressure down, your pulse rate will decline and you will be able to gently carry on. See each day as another day closer to feeling well again. Because you will be well again, we are all here to help you along and we know exactly how difficult this journey is.

    • Posted

      Hi Hope

      Thanks for your advice. You're right of course, it's just all so new to me at the moment and I can't believe how I got into this situation. My poor husband doesn't know how to help me for the best and I just want to turn back the clock. I know I've got to develop a different mindset. Thanks for your support.

  • Edited

    Hi LG,

    I had the exact same! My heart rate would be crazy, i also went to A&E a few times thinking it was something serious, after many medical checks and many many doctors telling me it was my anxiety, i can confirm it is your anxiety. Mine was horrendous for the first 4weeks (i hope it isn't so bad for you) i would hear my voice so clear in my own mind that it was almost like i was shouting at myself, only i was having intrusive thoughts, which made me panic more, i would get a cold, stinging/burning flush from the back of my neck and down into my feet, it would last about 10minutes and i would feel so drained and just wanted to sleep all the time. I couldn't even go out the house, i went out the other day for the first time in over a month! You will find that because your anxiety is high (due to the Citalopram) you will over think things, even when you try to ignore it, it is horrible but you are still very very early in, it will get easier, i promise, i am 8 weeks in on 20mg and things are so much more easier, no more flushes, no more loud thoughts and no more stinging/burning.

    Please keep strong! You can do it!

    • Posted

      Hi Jadelou93

      Thanks for your support.

  • Posted

    Hi LG, your still early doors on your citlopram upped dose and would give it more time. Did you start on 20mg? As its a lot to start on. Side effects will come back when you up your dose and (increased anxiety) which will cause your raised heart rate. Keep going, most peoples side effects seem to calm after a couple weeks. its a tough journey on this stuff

    • Posted

      Hi Harry

      Thanks for replying. Yes my doctor put me on 20mg from the outset, two weeks ago, though feels like a lifetime already. I said I felt it was too strong but she said that 20mg was the best therapeutic dose. I did speak to the pharmacist too and he said that even if I started on 10mg I would still have to go up to 20mg anyway and to try and ride out the symptoms till they ease up. Thanks for your support.

    • Posted

      No problem Lg were all in this together! Yes 20 is a large dose to start on, i actually started on 5 for a week, then 10 for 6 weeks 15 for 3 weeks and just gone up to 20 at the end of week 10, iv had the side effects each time i went up but never as bad or for as long as when i started. At least you have got straight onto 20 and thats the lowest theraputic dose. Hope it gives you some comfort that its the probably the reason your feeling so bad. Iv found sometimes you have to do what feels right with the tablets and not what the doctors say as only you know

      how you feel. Also all doctors/pharmacists have different opinions. If you feel you need to drop down for a few weeks then do it. If not then ride it out and you will get better x

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