Scared to death about possible Huntington's Disease
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To start off, I'm in my late teens, and no-one in my family that I know has had Huntington's before. None of my parents, none of my grandparents, no-one I know has had it.
For the past year or so I've been depressed. I linked it to starting college and not being around other people as much as when I was in High school. I only went into to college two days a week and the rest I spent in my room, isolated. Some other stuff involving a relationship happened and I got severely depressed. It was only tonight that I read up about Huntington's Disease and it scared my to death because I feel like I match every symptom I read about.
I've always seen myself as someone who worries too much, especially since last year when I started feeling depressed. But every symptom seems to fit and I want some extra advice. I wanted to ask about a few symptoms and what they mean, starting with memory lapses. When I'm having a bad day, I tend to forget things about 5-10 seconds after thinking about them. I either need to think hard enough or have something jolt my memory before I can remember them. Is this what fits for memory lapses in Huntington's?
Another symptom I wanted to ask about was the uncontrollable movement. The page I read mentioned twitches in the face and also in the limbs. Well pretty much every day I think, there are times where I get odd twitches for no reason in my legs or arms. My muscles just seem to clench for a fraction of a second, or when I go to turn my head, I turn it much faster than I intended. Could this fall under the uncontrollable twitching associated with Huntington's? I always linked these to my addiction to caffeine, since I've had at least a regular bottle of Coke every day for the past year or so. I always thought it was just too much energy of caffeine. Could someone give me some extra advice on this? I'm really getting worried.
As I said, no-one I know in my family has had this disease before, and I feel I do worry too much. But seeing every single symptom click with what I have and do was terrifying.
All help greatly appreciated.
PS: I'm sorry about posting this in the wrong sub-section, but there was no sub-section for Huntington's.
1 like, 13 replies
Fact: Huntington's tends to be hereditary. My friend has it, so does her mum and various other relatives. She has many symptoms that overlap with other disorders.
Fact: too much caffeine can make you jittery and affect your nervous system.
Take it easy and cut out the Coke and talk with your doctor about how you feel.
Being anxious and worrying too much needs to be addressed and I know because I have always suffered with these problems. Maybe talk to a trained counsellor who treats anxiety issues.
Good luck and try get some help.
kaye25449 john42248
ihavenonickname kaye25449
I am so sorry that your dad passed is tough when we lose a loved one...especially to such a difficult disease.
And you have inherited the are you doing?
kind regards
christina82926 john42248
dee53012 christina82926
I have a new friend in my life, her ex husband and one daughter has it. I do not know how to support her while she is losing her loved ones to this horrible disease.
ihavenonickname christina82926
With the death of so many loved ones with this dreadful disease, with your grandson just being incredibly unaelfish of you to reach out in kindness to another sufferer. I admire you. Thank you.
Christina, how is your grandson?
kind regards
diane6155 john42248
Hello John, your post was one year ago. I was wondering if you have had a
Genectic test yet?
I was tested positive on August 22-2016. I do have some symptoms/
I think my first symptom was I have a short fuss. go off for no reason.
then depression, fidgety like i can not be still. i have so many . I have
found that there are some same and some that are different in all cases.
this disease runs in my family. I lost a brother this year in may.
I thought if you needed someone to talk to I am here..
dee53012 diane6155
Hi Diana,
I am sorry for the loss of you brother. How are you doing? What is is like for you, if you don't mind me asking?
I am new to this forum and was reading about Huntingtons. I had never heard of it till my new friend told me it runs in her ex's family and one of her daughters has it. My friend cries often for her ex and child. WHat advice can you give me to be a better friend to her? I never know if I should ask her how her daughter is doing or wait for her to bring it up.
dee53012 john42248
muscle twitching can be as simple as a vitamin deficincy. have your doc test your blood for mineral and vitiamins, see if anything is low. If it is low, as why and get a good answer, amke her take more tests to find out why until you get an answer. I had weird symptoms when I was a kid and everyone brushed me off. i didn't find out i actully did have a disease. It was Celiac (USA spelling) and everyone should get tested if they are having strange symptoms. it is a common disease, epedemic actually. I read that 1 in 120 people are likely to have it. THAT is a LOT of people! But 80% of people do not knwo they have it till it is too late.
I hope you just need sups! Having a disease is very hard to live with. No one cares if you are sick most of the time and they treat you like you asked for it. i sense people irritaction when I can't walk fast enough. impatience of the young
we all get here.
i digress
if your symptoms are not serious, go out and have fun! Life is too short to worry about stuff. It will happen at some point in your life if you live long enough. We are all of the nature to get something. Try not to think about it, there are better things to do. distract yourself in something fun, like art, ormountain biking, dancing, anything!
go outside and play as i used to tell my kids 💙
Inlove john42248
I would not think you have Huntington's. I also have a lot of symptoms of Huntington's disease, but a lot of other diseases also come up. I think there is no point in worrying about something until you see a Neurologist and he or she confirms. I am 59 and within the last week I have had what I would call full body spasms or tremors, my Gp has set me up for a CT scan and MRI because they need to rule out a lot of things that could be causing the spasms and Abnormal gate. Until you have all the tests to rule out all these things don't worry about something Huntington's. I wish you the best and go see your primary care doctor.
jaylarose62432 john42248
Hi John.
Guess What? You definitely don't have Huntingtons. HD is an autosomal-dominant hereditary disease, and yes, it has to 'start somewhere', but I can guarantee you that if your parents and grandparents 'definitely didn't' have HD, you don't either.
It sounds like you struggle with a moderate amount of depression and anxiety though--I would start by building a good support network--get a therapist or counselor and surround yourself by family and friends who have a positive and healthy outlook on life. Seek spiritual counseling or attend worship services in your religion or a non denominational church. Attend support groups. Try medication for depression and/or anxiety if you and your doctor feel it is warranted.
I also think that yes--you may very well be making yourself jittery and shaky by ingesting large amounts of caffeine. Balance it out with a moderate sized healthy breakfast with protein, switch to green tea, or spread it throughout the day in smaller doses. Stop smoking if you are a cigarette smoker or user of tobacco of any kind--it actually makes you worse (although you should seek the advice of your GP durimg the withdrawal phase). Avoid recreational drugs, seek balanced diet, and try to get at least 30 minutes of mild to moderate excercise a day 5 days a week depending on your abilities and needs.
Anxiety and worry are very real, so don't let anyone make you think this is your fault by saying its 'all in your head'. Let me reiterate however, that you do NOT have Huntingtons disease. You dont. Am i sure? Yes. Absolutely 100%? Yes. No HD.
Good luck.
Hakan19 john42248
I wonder if your symptoms continue, I'm experiencing similar things, especially twitching and fast movements, can you respond?