scared to death that I have cancer
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started experiencing some bloating about a week ago & since I ve been trying to have a baby I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. All of the tests I took were positive. I started having bloating & frequent urination. I m VERY bloated, I look 3 months pregnant. Also I am peeing all the time. For the past 2 months I keep getting this pain on my lower right side of my abdomen. It isn t constant but it happens 1-3 times a day. Yesterday it got bad & I went to the ER. They did HCG count & a bunch of other blood tests. The pregnancy test was positive, my white blood cell count was normal, but my HCG level was 292. They said that s pretty low so they did an ultrasound and didn t see the baby. They did a pelvic AND tv ultrasound. They said the pain I was having was most likely not pregnancy related. On the ultrasound they checked my appendix, uterus, ovaries, etc. Everything was normal. I read that HCG count can be used to detect cancers. I m worried that I am not pregnant. They said with gastrointestinal cancers it can be found. With the pain I m having, bloating, gas, and frequent urination it seems to be less related to pregnancy and more related to another issue. I am only 2-3 weeks pregnant, I shouldn t be having symptoms at all. I m getting another HCG count done tomorrow to see if the "pregnancy" has progressed. My period was due today but I didn t get it. I am also having vaginal discharge that is clear and odorless. Please give me some advice.
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Misssy2 jenna88216
I just read this on a web page:
In this particular story they told a lady she was pregnant..and then she went for an ultrasound and there was no they told her she had this cancer...very RARE cancer...and they put her thru chemotherapy...etc...(even thou on ultrasounds they couldn't find any tumors).
Later they found out that the particular testing method....They use a test called the Abbott Axsym test.
10 percent of the population blood contains natural substances that can interfere with lab tests.
This lady was neither pregnant...nor did she have cancer.....Ask your Dr. if they use this particular testing method. This could be a "false" positive that is known to happen with the Abbott test.
jenna88216 Misssy2
Misssy2 jenna88216
Just try and enjoy the fact that you are pregnant..and believe that being pregnant is the reason for the elevated test.
jenna88216 Misssy2
Misssy2 jenna88216
If can sue the pregnancy test company and become rich!
Breathe now...your going to be ok...and really BIG in about 8 months
jenna88216 Misssy2
Misssy2 jenna88216
HCG is high during seems from what I read...about those blood tests that....they don't have a high accuracy.....
Like I said...the type of cancer that would show on this test is VERY rare. And its too coincidental that you are pregnant and having a high test....normal...
So take care of yourself...let this are going to be fine.
jenna88216 Misssy2
Misssy2 jenna88216
jenna88216 Misssy2
Misssy2 jenna88216
catspelle1 jenna88216
i totally get how Worried you are. Your symptoms s sound very much like fibroids. Has your gynaecologist examined your scans? You should insist now on seeing a specialist not a random dr at the ER. Hope all is well thinking of you x
jenna88216 catspelle1