Scared to death. Trying to be strong
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I thought I had a yeast infection on Wednesday so started taking Monitstat 3 day. I took the last one on Friday night. Saturday morning noticed that I was spotting very light. Laster in the evening noticed the same thing but more brownished. I just turned 59 and have not had a period in three years. On Sunday saw a bit more blood in the morning and evening. I see it like every 8 hours or more. I went to the doctor on Monday who performed an pap smear. He also requested an ultrasound and I will go back for results in a two days. I can't sleep and I am so scared. I am tired of searching the internet and fear I have every disease know to woman. I am going crazy. I need some support.
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lana07071 carmen79600
carmen79600 lana07071
metamorphed carmen79600
I know it's easier said than done, carmen, but try to put it out of your mind. I had similar scary wait recently when I discovered a breast lump and was sent for urgent referral which took a week, so the wait was awful. I just drank camomile tea in the evenings which made me sleep and just tried to keep busy. If you've been to doctors and been checked during the three previous years then they are just taking precautions with the tests. It is likely that the medication has stirred something. Do let us know how you get on and try and relax.
carmen79600 metamorphed
Thank you so very much. I am trying to keep busy. I am working harder to keep my mind occupied. I have been trying to keep so busy, last night I started baking cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries which I don't particularly care for. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and then see the gyn on Thursday for the results. I keep running to the bathroom to check my posie to see if I have more spotting which seems to have a cycle of its own. I do appreciate the support.
metamorphed carmen79600
you're welcome. The technician doing the ultrasound tomorrow, chat to her/him. They are usually good at calming you. best of the best to you.
shelley10976 carmen79600
Been there done that. You will be fine. Menopause causes excessive worry and imaginary health issues. It's common to bleed and does not mean anything serious. Just get checked and all will be good.
carmen79600 shelley10976
gailannie carmen79600
Carmen, if I can do nothing else I am hoping to calm you down. Please don't worry about this. My mom used to say that it's all the things we worry about that never happen. You obviously had some sort of infection, that clearly could effect what's going on down there.
I have known women in menopause, who have had a full blown period! Ran to the doctor scare to death. It was nothing. Just one final hurray!
Please don't give it another thought, until you get word on the testing. I'm sure it's nothing.
carmen79600 gailannie
lana07071 carmen79600
Then I got spotting... and my gynie did an internal one and a biopsy. I was a total wreck waiting for so many results and going to so many doctors, it was a nightmare. Finally all results came through great after that waiting... Then it happened again in December. Thhis time I was sent for a hysteroscopy (like colonoscopy but into the uterus), under general anaesthesia, and biopsy. I was a wreck, totally by this time. And here I am, a week ago my biopsy results came through and I am fine. I hope it stays that way. I am telling you all this so you know many of us out there went through it, and are fine. I wish there were a way to help you calm down, I know it is hard. A good friend of mine, whom I met on this forum, virtually, has gone through all this at the same time as me, and is about to have her hysteroscopy, and is so stressed, but I just know she will be fine. You may not even need a biopsy, but I think it is best to get one, better safe than sorry... xoxo
carmen79600 lana07071
It's so good to have a support system of women who understand what I am going through. Men don't get it. Thank you so mucn
Ellis1109 carmen79600
You will be fine, it's the nature in us that worry. I've been through the same and had all the checks and it was nothing apart from I had a harmless ovarian cyst which has now disappeared xx
youngatheart1 carmen79600
carmen79600 youngatheart1
I totally agree. I don't know how many times I have visited dozen of sites. Which by the way scared me more. I have stopped since talking to you ladies.
beth86610 carmen79600
carmen79600 beth86610
gailannie carmen79600
Very good sign Carmen. And the ultrasound will be fine. When I did one a couple weeks ago, I simply asked the tech to tell what she was looking at while she did it. And then asked her to tell me the measurement of my lining. So even before I was off the table, I knew that my uterine lining was 5 mm. Perfectly normal. And that way I didn't have to sit and wait on results. (I HATE WAITING AND WORRYING) Hope if you get this before you leave, just ask how thick your lining is measuring while she's doing it.
lana07071 carmen79600
carmen79600 lana07071
I was a mess. The tech kept telling me to relax and I almost passed out from hyperventilating. I did not want to ask about the measurements of my lining. I am not sure if she was suppose to tell me anything I just kept asking her is everything okay and she said yes. She said you will be fine, everything looks fine. She then said lots of women have cyst. She said relax honey, everything looks fine, I have to see my gyn at 2:30 today. I got home did not look at the internet nothing. I have lost like 5 pounds not eating and worrying.
So I hope everything goes well later today.
lana07071 carmen79600
Ellis1109 carmen79600