Scared to withdraw
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I was put on Mirtazapine in May 2013. I was afraid to start meds as I had a nasty reaction to an SSRI many years ago. I agreed to try Mirtazapine for my anxiety but only at 7.5mg. I took it for 8 months and then I agreed to increase to 15mg as my anxiety was much worse. I was having intrusive thoughts and afraid to be alone. The 15mg did help but with it I put alot of weight on. The weight was much needed as I was only 84lbs, now I am 116lbs but I did go up to 128lbs last year. I have to workout daily and count my calories and lower my carbs, it's horrible having to do this after always being so thin. Yes I was far too thin but I am not naturally curvy and don't have to watch everything I eat. I now can't indulge without ballooning which is quite depressing.
Mirtazapine has helped somewhat but my intrusive thoughts haven't really left. I'd say I feel calmer and much more relaxed. I don't feel low anymore so my GP tells me I don't need to worry about weaning off yet but I worry daily about how bad withdrawal is and I think I am under pressure to get off is soon because it's been over 2 years now I have been on this drug. My GP says you eat now, you sleep, you are calmer... why rush off? he is right I guess.
So is withdrawal bad? I have read such horror stories I am scared I won't be able to handle it. When my anxiety was at it's worst I was housebound, terrified of being alone incase I lost control and hurt myself or others... My anxiety went off scale. I have calmed that through CBT and the Mirtazapine and cutting out the stress in my life that led me to extreme anxiety. I am afraid of ever going back to such bad anxiety and what if withdrawal does make me that anxious again. I was diagnosed with very high anxiety, general anxiety and OCD type thoughts. It all started after a very stressful time in my life.
Any reassurance? or advice? I am only on 15mg.
Thank you
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wizard36 Jingyd36
I was mirt for Anxiety and sleep problems. Really helped me. I stopped as thought I could go alone. I did it very slowly had few sleep problems and sore tum but Sidon got better. I used the CITA back to life plan.
Hope this helps good luck
Jingyd36 wizard36
So we're they the only withdrawals you had?
I have heard good thing about that withdrawal process using the CITA.
valerie01412 Jingyd36
Jingyd36 valerie01412
Yes why rush it? I guess I'm just afraid that thr longer I am on it the harder thr withdrawl will be.
I still have anxiety which I often fear is the mirtazapine causing my intrusives, which my gp says it isn't. I always worry if my anxiety doesn't settle completely will I ever be strong enough for withdrawal? If that makes sense. I guess I have made huge progress so I need to realise how well I am thanks to mirtazapine and cbt.
Thank you.
oldboy Jingyd36
Jingyd36 oldboy
Calmer Jingyd36
You're quite right to do your research before withdrawing; I've been doing the same ready for my own wd. Wizard 36 mentioned the CITA Protocol method of withdrawing - CITA was a registered charity set up my medics to advice of best methods of wd for many AD's, Benzo's, Sleeping tablets etc. They are now disbanded but the book is still available as a download from their web site. No one can put other web site addresses on this forum because the moderator usually takes them off, but if you want it just google CITA withdrawal.
There is another method, which is much kinder that I have come across -
I can send you the link if you would like it - just send me a private message. It's based on no more than 10% reduction every 4 weeks. This is the method myself and another lady from this forum plan to do shortly.
Also ... if you're interested, there is a facebook support group for Mirt WD Support - people from this forum mainly, there are only about 20 of us, it's totally private, cannot "be searched for" - if you'd like to join us that would be good too.
Hope this might help dispell your fears a little; you're right, Mirt has a scarey reputation for getting off from ... but with support I'm sure it can only get easier.
Wishing you well.
wizard36 Calmer
I would like to join the face book page how do I don't his
jill11806 Calmer
please could you send me how to do the 10% I desperately want to come off my mirt I have been on it for 6 months on 30mg. The doc will not prescribe the liquid and I'm not good at working out percentages .. Thank you. Also how are you doing ?
Jingyd36 Calmer
Jingyd36 wizard36