Scary symptoms
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Any advice will be great at this point. I was diagnosed with SVT my doctors told me its not death threatening but its scary. I was put on verapamil 120ml and I personally hated it the symptoms where still there but it did slow my heart rate. I told my cardiac doctor that I can feel my heart rate go really slow and she told me athlete's heart rates are slow and that I'm fine. I went to the heart specialist and we made an appointment to schedule an ablation which is November 3rd. I looked up my medical history and I see that I had PAC. I was feeling shortness of breath and went to the hospital they ran blood test and every thing looked normal and they ruled it out as a panic attack. Now I feel shortness if breath and irregular heart beats I have 2 more days till my ablation but I have feel like crap every day and I'm still scared. SVT and PAC I'm terrified I cry everyday which I know isn't good but this is emotionally draining. I hyperventilate often. Anyone with advice or can relate please reply.
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Gap niya54294
Dear niya
Sorry to hear about your anxieties.
I too have a slow and very irregular heartbeat and have been told more or less the same as you, but it doesn't stop the worrying because you know its not right. I have had mine about 4 years and it feels its gradually getting worse. it certainly is getting more frequent.
Hopefully your ablation will go well and you will feel much better after. At least you are getting something.
Good luck.
niya54294 Gap
Thank you for your kind words and response. I too feel as though it's God for bid it's getting worse. Did the doctor/ cardiologist you see offer you anything to cure it?
Gap niya54294
Dear niya
The cardiologist prescribed verapamil to use as necessary but my gp didn't like this medication..called it verapakill. I think its a beta blocker but it only made my already slow heart rate even slower it did nothing for the irregularity of the rhythm.
Once again good luck with your ablation..keep us informed with your progress and whether it helps.
niya54294 Gap
The same thing happened to me while I was on Verapamil I personally don't think it solves anything it makes it more complicated I was supposed to be on it for at least a month but the symptoms I couldn't deal. Although I'm off it I still feel the slowness/ irregular beats sometimes the SVT. I hope you'll be able to get an ablation as well because I know how frustrating, stressful, and scary it is even to it's not deadly. Thank you I'll definitely keep you posted
annabeth56488 niya54294
Hang in there! Most of the time ablations are very successful at treating SVT. I have AVNRT and like you, didn't react that well to heart meds. Beta blockers made mine go super slow and my hands were freezing! (I'm a pianist, no bueno). It's always scary when you know that *something* is wrong, even if docs are telling you it's not life-threatening. Ablation has helped control my SVT though, and I really hope it helps you too. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
niya54294 annabeth56488
Thank you for commenting and your kind words
..I often feel my heart flutter and sometimes I have irregular heart beats did you experience this as well?