Scary symptoms
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So I'm not looking to be diagnosed or anything just wondering if others have had this happen. So maybe a bit TMI but I've got a weird twitching in my groin area like the muscle that you use to stop peeing that muscle keeps twitching and it don't hurt or anything just twitches. Also have this weird shaking or tingling all over my body when I wake up in the morning it quickly goes away but I'm scared.
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jan34534 amy76852
do you have any other symptoms like fever? Chills?
does it burn when you pee?
sometimes people have a urinary track infection and don’t even know it. I’m not saying that’s what you have but just check for those other symptoms. or your symptoms could be anxiety related.
try to relax your mind as much as you can. stay hydrated and if it continues and the symptoms don’t go away just let your doctor know and see what he or she instruct you to do. You’re going to be OK! ❤
amy76852 jan34534
nope no fever or chills and no burning when i pee.
sarah73788 amy76852
You could be writing about me! I've been experiencing the same thing lately, except mine doesn't go away right away.
Dani1988 amy76852
Yep groin thing but linked to my excercise. i get tingling etc but thats long covid.
bernipes amy76852
This one in the groin I hadn't heard of until now. I have the classic symptom of twitching under one eye, but sometimes it also happens in some leg muscles, for example.
I have never taken these issues to my doctor, but I believe it is tension.
SimpleChap amy76852
Few years ago, I had a similar kind of twitching-like sensation, most probably due to a muscle or nerve issue which recovered by itself after a few months. Probably caused by the way I carried things which might have stretched the nerve/muscle in that area of the body. Or it could also have been caused by the wrong type of shoes that presses on one's heel/feet that irritated the nerve/muscle. Or it could also have been caused by pressure when taking off tight clothing with the legs pushing and pulling in awkward angles. That's my experience, nothing serious.
As for the shaking/tingling all over body when waking up, I'm not sure about that, but maybe it could be due to the way or the position you sleep or perhaps anxiety?
amy76852 SimpleChap
was it the same muscle that was twitching? it took months to go away? i really hope mine dont i cant handle this for much longer.
SimpleChap amy76852
Probably around the same muscle area. Maybe around one or two months for it to get better, but a few months for it to go away. Perhaps try to recall what you've been doing lately, eg lifting or carrying things, doing some activities, going to the gym, or some household chores etc, that may have caused this. Also, for me, it helped by going for walks, with proper shoes, to loosen the muscles. Another way is to search online re how to do simple non vigorous groin stretching exercises to relieve the twitching.
amy76852 SimpleChap
its in my vagina this twitching. like i said the muscle that you use to stop the pee. i can feel the twitch on top of the vagina. like a pulling in feeling. im not sure what i could of done to make this happen. i had been doing some new excersise but i had stopped before this happened. hadent done it for awhile before this started. it lessons and half stops when im not thinking about it. i dont know. i just need this to go away.
SimpleChap amy76852
If the twitching happens intermittently perhaps try not to focus on it too much and observe it for awhile.
Hopefully someone else here can share their experience that could help you too.