Scary Vivid Dreams/Dosage Question
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So about three weeks ago I was put on Zoloft at 25 mg & my doctor said that if I wasn't showing improvements after 2 weeks, to up the dose to 50 mg. So after 2 weeks, I did just that because in the beginning, I got worse, then better! Then gradually got more anxious. So I decided to up the dose and I've been on 50mg for about a week now & honestly, it's been a rollercoaster. Overall, I feel worse, almost kind of numb (which I hate, I'd rather feel a thousand emotions than nothing at all) I've been getting headaches, feeling tired all the time, and the worst symptoms of all, these vivid, scary creepy dreams. I feel like they keep getting worse and I wake up with that creepy vibe from the dream in the morning and almost feel like I'm still in a dream-like state. This morning, I woke up crying from a nightmare I had, and when I went back to sleep, I had another dream! These dreams are getting progressively worse throughout the week, and honestly, I'm afraid to go to sleep, but I can't help but knock as soon as I hit the pillow because I am SO tired by the end of the day. So, my questions are: has anyone else experienced this? Will they go away as your body adjusts to the meds? Does this mean Zoloft is not compatible with me? Should I go back down to 25mg? I never had the vivid dreams at 25mg (yeah, I felt worse, but I didn't know at the time that Zoloft makes things worse before it gets better & I didn't feel as bad as I do now) My doctor said it was okay to just go back down to 25, but I'm a little suspicious of that because I know how long it takes for your body to adjust. Sorry this is all over the place, but any advice would help! Thanks
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lattifa7777 brenniqua
Hi, ok yes Zoloft makes things a whole lot worse before better, and it’s a real rollercoaster ride.
What you are going through is very normal.
In fact you will find a new side affect will appear and then go away eventually. I had the scary dreams it made my anxiety so much worse.
The headaches I had for about a week every day but I just drank more water and that did help.
Before the scary dreams I couldn’t sleep at all, was lucky if I got 2 hours.
Then I started to sleep more 4 hours then 5 , I was so happy when I slept a whole 6 hours.
The vivid dreams went away then came the night sweats , totally drenched in my own sweat upon waking up.
I remember at week 3 I had little spells of feeling absolutely normal, it would last 30 min to an hour, then it got longer, at week 5 1/2 I was feeling almost 90% me again. Still didn’t like being alone, still got a little anxious at small things.
I also went through a stage where I just felt I had medication in my system , I don’t know how to explain it well, but just felt like I could feel the mess doing something???( Strange I know)
The first 10 days were the worst tho , no sleep heightened anxiety through the roof, I would literally pace up and down the corridors, intrusive thoughts , crying, over tired and NO appetite what so ever.
6 months in and I was me again, 2 years now and I’m well, I’m still on the meds tho.
I never went beyond 50mg, and now I’m down to 25mg. I am trying to come off but that’s hard.
I’m the first 6 months you do go through the odd blip too, they last about 5 to 7 days where you feel like your going backwards again, but it’s just the meds settling in.
Please please stick with it, they say if you get bad side effects it means it’s working and is the rite medication for you and it will make you better again.
Always here to help you through.
Hugs 🤗
Lattifa xx
brenniqua lattifa7777
Do you think it would be okay to go back down to 25mg even after only being up at 50mg for a week? Or do you think it'll make things even worse? How and when did you go from 50mg back down to 25?
lattifa7777 brenniqua
I do think you should stick to 50mg for a good 6 weeks don’t go down to 25mg again after only being on 25mg for a week, it will cause havoc.
59mg is the lowest working dose so please battle through the side affects, ask your dr for some diazepam to help you through the fist 10 days , say you will only take it when really, really needed, and that will help you.
brenniqua lattifa7777
Thank you so much for the advice! I'm glad I decided to stick with 50mg because I'm already seeing small improvements (: