sciatic nerve damage

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hi everyone,

i would just like to tell you of my long standing struggle with sciatica and nerve damage.

I had an operation to free a trapped nerve in 2004/5(discectomy and decompression)since then i have had all the symptoms of nerve damage in my right leg eg.numbness,burning,tingling,weakness,in my toes,ankle,calf,and thigh,i have an aching in my groin,with stomache pains when i have eaten,and alot of stiffness in my lower back.This really gets me down and i dont know if i will be able to continue working because of it.Does anyone with this disability have any advice for me on the best way of coping ,i feel i have no quality of life.i am 46 but feel 56. :?

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Katz

    I hope by now you've made an appointment and been seen by at least your GP! It's quite likely that you have a disc bulging that is impinging on the sciatic nerve which is what you're feeling down your leg. It is painful and can be scary but also worth remembering that these things can resolve on their own - without surgery.

    Unfortunately most of us who post have had ongoing problems for many years so the reading can be quite grim!

    I wish you luck and a speedy recovery. x

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    Well look at the bright side. I am 22 back in December I got into a terrible car accident. The passenger pulled the steeringwheel and we crashed into an over pass. I broke 25 bones, dislocated my hip, had blood clots in my lungs and my sciatic nerve is either stretched or damaged I do not know at this point. I broke my arm completely in half which now has many plates and screws. I dislocated and broke my hip, which has 3 screws(I just found out today my body excepted the hip bone and screws so no hip replacement). I fractured my neck and got a left boxers fracture. And broke 19 bones in my leg and ankle. 6 months later today l still cannot move my foot past my ankle due to my hip braking and dislocating and damaging my scatic nerve. It's just dead and my calf muscle is completly gone. I will have a nerve conduction test soon to determine if my nerves will ever come back and my foot will be able to move. I was in a wheelchair for four months and then I got a walking boot . I now have a brace to where I can wear regular tennis shoes with and I walk with a cane . I'm 22 but feel 88 😫

    • Posted

      Hi there

      You have gone through so much at such a young age.

      Hope nerve test proves things will get better for you

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    Hi guys, i'll keep my story as short as as possible. In 2013 i got bitten by the black widow, the poison and place she bit me was directly on the nerve at the back of my thigh. Since then ive done epidurals,nerve ablation,regulary stay in hospital for a week every time due to the pain, im usually given fentanil,morphine and betadine. I take 6 neurontin a day of 300mg and 6 tramal capsules of 50mgs. Between may and november, my mid day dose is cut out cuz the cold weather is not there. I am fed up from the pain, I am fed up from going every month for medication, I honestly dont remember 1 hour without pain since 2013.

    Forgot to mention a prominant head of neurology dept. said there is no solution for me but the morphine pump. No way I said yes. I need my life back, Im so sick and tired of being in pain.

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      Oh, forgot my question lol.

      Is there any other option out there for me?

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    I am sorry I don't have any real advice as I have only just found out what has been causing my symptoms for over 2 and a half years now.

    I have a curvature in my cervical spine which causes paraesthesia, pain, cramps etc down my left arm, my shoulder blade, and in my chest at times. Bulging L5 with L5 S1 root impingement, ironically my back down there doesn't really hurt me, sometimes I get spasms, or electric shock pains there, but the worst thing is my left leg

    I've had to fight to even get any diagnosis, just kept getting told it was wear and tear, or I didn't understand what I was reading when I went and insisted I had nerve pain.

    Music helps me cope, watching my favourite stuff on TV, reading if I can concentrate enough to. I don't have a sleep pattern anymore, I'm awake for long periods, and get a bit of a snooze here and there, I'm lucky if in an entire 24 hours in get 4 hours.

    I am almost 39, been ill with various things since she 10, suffered lots of pain and massive operations. But this is without doubt the worst pain I've ever had to and I get cluster headaches which they call suicide headache because people have been driven to suicide by those.

    Sorry I can't really offer anything else, just than letting you know you're not alone.

  • Posted

    Good Afternoon, I suffered with the same symptoms 3 years ago, and dreaded it ever returning, my cure was weight loss , then I was 46 years old and 17 stone, I managed to get my weight down to 15 stone .

    The pain lessoned while the pounds were shedding, I am 49 the same age as you , and I've let the the weight creep back on.

    When sciatica struck before it was due foolishly lifting 2 truck

    Batteries at work. I never learned from this, New year's eve

    Stupidly, I carried a large music amp downstairs, damage done

    and i am suffering again, the only thing for me , because I do

    not know your circumstances, is for me to loose the weight, no option tried everything previously nothing worked, woman

    Suffer when pregnant with added pressure on the spine, you

    need to take that pressure off, Good luck I sympathize with all

    Sciatic sufferers, it is horrendous

    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      I am almost 39, so a bit of difference are wise.

      I suffered terribly with sciatica when I was pregnant nearly 21 years ago, and that was bad enough, but this is even worse than that.

      Unfortunately I am overweight, however I was doing the slimming world plan, and had lost 4 and a half stone It is slowly creeping back on though because it is all about cooking from fresh, and I am not able to do that at the moment. I don't really have much of an appetite, I am though drinking a lot of milk and milkshake as my mouth is getting so dry from all the painkillers, and unfortunately that alone makes me gain weight. I have eaten a bit meal this dinner and that was because someone else had cooked it.

      I had been a bit better the last couple of days as I haven't been doing much. Today I went to the local shop on my mobility scooter, and just from going round a small shop and getting a couple of bits, I have been in terrible pain again today. I know everything says to keep going but it really does make me worse if I try to "live normally".

      I saw a physiotherapist the other day who works with the mental health rehabilitation place I'm in, and without even examining me she said straight away I need to see a back specialist. When I was in hospital a few weeks ago, I eventually found out that the consultant who sent me away saying there was nothing else they could do for me, he doesn't even work with spines, he's a knee specialist. Even if I had paid to go see him privately, he doesn't do anything other than consultation and surgery on knees, and if he knew the first thing about backs to be telling me there's nothing else can be done, then I am damn sure he'd do it privately because it would earn him much more than knee surgery!

      She said she's going to get me referred to a back specialist, and lean on the pain clinic to get my pain under control, because as she said no my weight won't be doing me any good, however I am in a catch 22 situation when I cant cook, and am less Mobile than I have ever been 😟

      Although it shares many symptoms of what I've had before that was sciatica, what I am suffering is apparently officially called radiculopathy. Sciatica is a general term for pain from the sciatic nerve, but that can be caused by several things, even tight ligaments around the nerve. This is slightly different because it is the actual nerve roots being trapped, which is why i get pins and needles, and all kinds as well as pain, including horrible spasms in my back and leg.

      I have suffered a lot of pain through the years with one thing and another, but I really really haven't ever had anything like this, I am just miserable the whole time because I can't do anything, I can't sleep, go out, cook, nothing, even sitting is painful.

      The main problem with me at the moment (could be more because they never told me anything about the last MRI), back in May (even though they didn't bother telling me), I had a bulging disc then at L5, I've no real idea, but I would hazard a guess that there is something worse/more going on. My mum, her 2 sisters and her brother so have bad backs with degenerative spine issues, my dad had something with his back, but not entirely sure now what it was, but he did use to be in a lot of pain. My younger brother had also got back problems, he had to have a work based physio involved where he works. They've had to get him a special chair and all sorts, and they arrange for him to do a lot of work from home now.

      I typically for me, am the worst of the lot of us. I never do things by halves!

      I hope you manage to get some relief from your pain somehow.

  • Posted

    Hi, I'm sorry that the operation you had didn't solve your problems. Normally these problems are caused by a sedentary lifestyle and it's quite common that the pain will continue if you don't do physiotherapy. Pilates helps, there is a techinique called "Alexander Technique" any kind of exercise monitored by a qualified Physio-therapist. 

    You need to decoompress your spine and hydrate the discs. The less exercise you do the worse it will get. There are many videos on Youtube that show exercises that relieve pain , but really you need to do physiotherapy. Operations have a high rate of failure because people think thta's it and don't continue with the good work. It requires willpower , unfortunately, I know as I 'm trying to avoid an operationas I know so many people who've had them & aren't completely cured. Good luck. 


    • Posted

      I know that everything says to keep going, & I absolutely understand the principle behind it.

      In my own case I would have to question that though. Firstly I struggle with mobility for other reasons, including crippling fatigue from end stage liver disease, that is beyond just being tired, it actually gets really frustrating when people say things like they know how I feel coz they're tired as they had a late night or whatever. It doesn't matter how well I've slept or not slept at night (not always great as cirrhosis reverses your sleep pattern), so I can spend enormous amounts of time asleep & it really can't be helped. Secondly I need a one replacement, but have been told I'm too young, but that had further impacted upon my ability to mobilise for a long time.

      With these issues as well as many, many others, I've learnt from a young age to live with a high degree of pain, I've had to as I seem to have a naturally high tolerance to all painkillers, nurses & doctors are shocked I am not permanently asleep just from the amount of antihistamines I'm on due to itching from my liver, & also chronic urticaria. Prior to my back issue I used to go without painkillers as much as possible, I would just put up with it, because of the damage to my liver for one, and I have already been addicted to prescription painkillers, and did not want to be in that situation again.

      I have not had surgery on my back yet, & I know the chances of it working are very slim, the nerve damage after so long now is more than likely permanent too, & with everything else (due to my liver I have low platelets, low red blood cells, low white blood cells, immunocompromised), I would struggle to find anyone who would even if they agreed surgery was warranted, who would actually do any surgery.

      I have several of the red flag symptoms, and the pain is of a degree that it really impacts on my life.

      I saw a physio a couple of weeks ago just before Christmas, she works with the mental health rehabilitation facility I'm currently in, & the advanced nurse practitioner here was saying to me he had a slipped disc, she gave him exercises to do which really helped & he was back on his feet in no time. When she saw me, even before she'd actually examined me she had already said that I needed to see a spinal specialist (she used to work in a back clinic, so she knows what she's on about). After examining me she said after the Christmas holidays agreed get on to the hospital, try & get to look at my MRI herself & get onto the pain clinic to put pressure on them to see me ASAP (it's a 3 month waiting list). I have gone from barely ever taking painkillers & coping with pain, to absolutely having to take Tramadol, Nefopam & Diazepam at least twice a day if I am not doing much.

      The more I do the worse I am, to the point of almost being physically sick with the pain, shaking, sweating, I can't sleep, eat, nothing.

      The less I do in terms of normal levels of exercise or daily living (cooking, cleaning, shopping etc), the more low level things I'm able to do, as in I can actually walk round my bungalow with my crutches, as opposed to either being stuck in bed, or having to use my wheelchair - I end up so I can not lift my foot or leg at all if I do lots & end up in extreme pain, the pins and needles gets much worse too, even sat normally in a chair for 2 minutes my left leg is full of pins and needles, and I already have no sensation in my big toe, no reflexes in my ankles, and diminished reflexes in my knees.

      The physio didn't give me any exercises to do at all, & the advanced nurse practitioner spoke to me a couple of weeks ago & his attitude had completely changed regarding me. Previously he had been encouraging me to join in with OT activities (which are part of the mental health rehab, not just for physical reasons), to telling me to not overdo things, & said to me the physio had spoken to him & told him she's very worried about me, he said she isn't someone who gets worried, so the fact she is now has him worried - believe me the change in attitude really has been massive, prior to her seeing me, even after finding out what was going on, he was very much trying to keep me going for the sake of my mental health as much as my physical.

      I have independently of any advice attempted to keep going, as I am very stubborn for one, I absolutely don't want to end up reliant on people to help me etc etc.

      Repeatedly every time I have done a bit too much I've ended up worse & then unable to do practically anything at all.

      I said to the physio that I was annoyed with not being able to cook, as it's affecting my weight loss, & I know that's not good for my back, knee, and Othery joints etc. And she said that yes it is of course a factor, but first & foremost they need to get my pain under control so I can actually do this like cooking. I absolutely know back surgery is not a cure in most cases, & all the rest of it, but my own body is telling me what my limitations are, & I do find it rather interesting that the physio didn't give me any exercises to do at all, surely if at this point she felt that I would benefit from any she'd have given me some to do? I absolutely know from the change in attitude of the advance nurse practitioner, & other full time stag here that

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      Sorry pressed post accidentally

      The full time staff here, many of whom gave me the impression before seeing her that they thought I was making things out to be worse than they are.

      I have read posts on other sites where people have been told that for them personally exercise is going to do more harm than good.

      My spine in the last week or so has now begun to crunch a lot, especially when I am getting up for example, & I do limit how long I sit or lie down between getting up & mobilising as much as I am able to.

      I am not someone who gives in easily to things, & am no stranger to pain, after major abdominal surgery when everyone else who had similar surgery was on self administrative morphine pumps I amazed staff by being up & out of bed in record time, & actually inadvertently caused myself worse issues because I did too much too soon! I walked around for over 24 hours with all but one of my ribs fractured. I am generally someone who grits their teeth & keeps on keeping on.

      I am sad to say though that this has me beat. I have been in tears because the simplest things have caused me such severe pain.

      I absolutely believe if at this stage exercise was going to be a cure for me the physio would have been straight on my case with it, & while in the majority of cases exercise is beneficial, & indeed slipped discs can rectify themselves in a couple of months in the majority of people, there are always exceptions to the rules, & after over 2 years of this and exercise constantly aggravating my symptoms, I have to go with what my body is telling me right now, or I can not even begin to have the slightest bit of normality.

    • Posted

      I'm awfully sorry to hear about your condition, it all sounds like a huge cross to bear. I just don't know what to say to you. As far as I can see you have to follow what the Docs. are telling you to do. I don't know & can't guess how old you are and how far advanced your liver problems. But it does sound as though you need enmotional support to get through all this. It's not soemthing that soemone can do alone. I'm not in the UK. or the USA. I'm in Brazil and I have friends and my Doctor is private and actually cares about me. So I'm lucky, although in Rio De Janeiro a person who can't get around might as well be dead. Can't get fat either as fat is really bad for the joints and spine, evry kilo overweight is five kilos dead weight on the joints. So, I'm blessed to still be moving and choosing my treatment. I do hope you find soem emotional support from Internet & preferably live! Best wishes from the tropics. 

  • Posted

    I just recently had 3 weeks of pain't before a injection in my back.

    I worry about if I will get all well.

    My foot feels strange. I limp if I walk.

    I hope the pain will stay away.

    • Posted

      My pain has slowly gone away, my problem is weight, get the 1lbs off loose the pain

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