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So I got told on Saturday by a medoc doctor I've got sciatica, he didn't really check me over very much if I'm honest, since it all started its got worse in the few days my leg and foot is very cold to touch and I keep getting pins and needles in my private region, was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what I should do, I've got doctors today but not sure how best to go about all of this, big problem is I'm 13 weeks pregnant so they are very limited on what they can do and give me.... Please help

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9 Replies

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    I too have the pinched nerve which starts from lower lumbar area and runs down the outside of the leg into the foot. It causing tingling and numbness too. The doctor prescribed Gabapendin (directed at nerve to reduce pain). I took Tramadol to no avail. A nurse told me Motrin works best to relieve the pain and she was right. I use analgesic cream on back area and foot then use compression wraps on foot and knee (nerve is close to the knee and ankle). Even if you can take one Ibuphoran every few hours it could help. Moving helps rather then resting it. Soak feet or in tub with Epsom Salts. Magnesium in small amount
    • Posted

      I did not take any prescription medication. For over a year my nerve has been controlled. I don't overdo exercise to distrub the nerve!!!! Read all you can on Google and try heat or cold paks. Whatever you can to find relief. It will subside at some point. Meditation relaxing and a massage if possible. Not fun to go through. Wear good shoes too. All the best.
    • Posted

      I have same I find walking helps me a lot, its worse when I get up, I want to rip my spine out. As day goes on it does ease. it was on my right at first but has now switched to left, but I started to get this years ago, it eased over time with flare ups gradually more as I grow older and now on other side. The problem with medications is they upset the stomach taken over a long time. I get tingling pins needles from foot to leg up to knee, and the pain starts from my lower back and shoots down my leg. The doctor put me on morphine, it helped with my diet as loss of appetite but has done nothing for the sciatic pain. I found some tai chi on you tube see if that helps. I dont think there is much of a cure for this, I have known of others who had the operation and were no better after it. I have resigned myself to the pain now as what else can I do. I cant walk about 24.7 and thats the thing that eases it. 
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    Was sent for surgery beginning of May had all pre op testing done only to be told as I was about to go for  the op your not well enough for surgery.Feel like ending it all as lm in so much pain. 
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      I know how you feel as I got sciatica in my back and leg etc. had it 10wks now, but have suffered back pain years, originally was other side, now its switched sides. I never had surgery it scares me on the spine really. 
  • Posted

    Ok. Marti's right. The diagnosis is Generic. You really need an MRI Scan to show the spinal cord and what's pinched where. I don't know if you can take Gabapendin, being pregnant. Most of the ant-inflammatory's they prescribe are really bad for the health. The MOST important thing is NOT to stop walking. The more you move the better. The best way to exercise would be in water, Hydr-therapy if possible. Or swimming. Most people take a magnesium supliment when they have these types of problems. I do. A Neurologist might help after you get an MRI. 
    • Posted

      I did the MRI and Doc's didn't have much to contribute. I found relief on my own. You may find after the baby the pain will go away. Just try all therapeutic remedies. Try to deep breath in out through the nose couple of minutes during the day. Heat cold and go for a walk. Wear a show with arch support and wrap the leg in ace bandgage. It WILL ease off with time. Don't get too down. It hurts but could be worse. I had a kidney stone and 12 hours child birth pain before a C section!!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Laura, 

    I hope yesterday’s visit to the doctors was more productive than the other day, but I imagine that much of any diagnosis will be based upon your symptoms, although I would have thought, given your description, they should send you urgently for an MRI scan, as that’s really I reckon the only way they can really see what’s happening, unless they are cautious to do that with you being pregnant?

    I recently had an operation on a herniated disc, this followed symptoms similar to yours which led to me having to have an MRI scan, followed by an emergency discectomy operation, although I have to say, that I never had the cold to the touch feeling you describe, I've had the pins and needles the pins and needles and numbness but of course, your being pregnant adds a totally different complexion on matters and may have a bearing on your condition.

    Having said all of that, I would insist your doctor books you for an MRI at the earliest opportunity.

  • Posted

    I just put up a post, quite new here, I have sciatica to, its extremely painful and the fact that you are pregnant it must feel aweful. I had xray and mri scan and think maybe you should have this, but dont know if they will do it while your pregnant. I dont know much about pins needles private region but can only speak about own experience of nerve trapped in spine which affects back buttocks and legs and feet.

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