sciatica + chronic pain = heart attacks ..

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As a NEW Sciatica owner. I have obviously been searching for info on this excruciating problem. The chronic pain that it evokes ,causes all your stats to rise,in particular the heart.Which can  cause heart failure ,because of it,.As a heart patient ,I am particularly upset about this ,and stressed, which is causing my heart rate up. Seemingly. the only way to deal with chronic pain is to have it monitored constantly ,by the doctor !!!!!

Anyone else with this double whammy , and how do you cope with it.?????   

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    I had sciatic nerve pain for iver 10 months and it stopped 8 days ago thank god.. worst pain ive ever had in my life. I take a bp pill to control my bp but i have checked mine when pain was unbearable n it was very scarry high. But theres nothing you can do so why worry just causes bp to get high worrying. Dont mean that to be rude but thats the truth.. i found crushed ice on my lower back for about 15-20 minutes till its numb n move the ice untill my whole lower back is numb n the pain is better almost gone . I started doing an exercise routine daily no matter how much it hurt I did as much of the exercises i could. It took 4-5 weeks and all my pain is gone. Totally unbelievable too! I couldnt  stand up straight or be on my feet longer than 5-10 min. At a time Confined to my recliner for over 10 months. Look up MarWin in sciatica on this forum to research the exercise routine if you want to try.. i had mri n found my L2-3 and L3-4 discs are herniated n crushing the sciatic nerve in both places. 
    • Posted

      Hi again, I did reply to your post but I sent it to myself  !!!!! so you may not have got it,, however ,,I forgot to ask you if your big toe cramped up, mine has, and it feels odd ,My G.P told me to lift up my toe, and I said I'm trying ,but it was nearly as stiff as a board. I rubbed it for ever but the feeling didn't come back. Another thing ,my feet would be really warm, then go stone cold. Can't sleep with cold feet 

  • Posted

    thank you for joining in, I have been in this god awful condition since Xmas eve, I was not given an X-ray ,or any other type of scan, so where and what the problem is. Just given tablets and sent home. From your post, I am probably older than you, and  bashing ice, (which I don't have)is on a par with mowing the lawn. . From being a very active person ,reduced to a yelping barely mobile body is not my idea of life. I now take THE TABLES.theirs, ,Paracetamol.and a herbal, helper ,which I do know is very good for pain.  take the long journey downstairs to make a coffee .do the Everest climb back up,fall into bed. and wait for them to kick in so my life starts at about 10  am. Funnily enough, my core body temperature goes down to 34, even though I am in bed . My B.P . is on a roller coaster rhythm .heart rate ,20 beats faster than normal. probably good ,as blood is running around a little

    faster. My G.P gave me sheets of exercises to do, as he has not referred me to  see a physio. When I left the hospital, I  was given a leaflet,. for access to a "Drop in " clinic.for physio. This  is totally untrue ,I did phone the dept in question, and was told a referral from my G.P was needed..Seemingly the responsibility of my ongoing care,, (joke) has been passed on to him. There is no Sciatica clinic ,or doctor to  call for help.

    I like yourself, had two days of No pain,, wonderful feeling to have the ability to get out of bed in one go, Went to do some necessary shopping, must say ,driving was no problem, did expect to get a twinge or two, as it is low slung. 10 months sounds an awful long time and probably felt longer. My next  "Step " is to ask for ,an x-ray at least, so I can go to a private physio to sort me out. As the N.H.S are in no way concerned.

    Are your damaged bits going to cause you ongoing problems ,with bouts of no pain thrown in. or can they be  put back, in place.??

    I appear to have put this reply  to myself !!!  hope you get it .    

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