Scoliosis is runing my life

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I was told for years I had sciatica, until last year when one of my GP's Finally sent me for an X-Ray, as it turns out I have scoliosis (22 degree curve of my lower spine) and disc degeneration. I am currently suffering acute chronic back pain (though I refuse to stop working this time as I have had a total of around 4 months off due to back pain in the last 3 years) I have tried Naproxen, Co-Dydramol and Tramadol 50mg and nothing has worked, I have been given stretches which do not help and when the pain is bad I can't do them. Should I be asking my GP for more treatment? I am waking up around 15 times every night in pain and am starting to feel very fed up! The Only thing that slightly helps is nightly massages and also a very hot bath every night, but those are just mild and temporary relief. I cannot stand or walk for long and I'm in pain 24/7 :-(  I cannot do the sports I like dancing, Pole Fitness or horse riding because even when my back does not flare up I am still in pain after a class/lesson. I am coming to my wits end! I need stronger pain killers and something to help me sleep, is there anything anybody can suggest to help me?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sorry your in such pain I know how you fee I'm in my mid 40's and have problems for over 20 years  for sleeping my doctor gave me 
    • Posted

      Sorry hit the wrong button 

      My doctor gave me amitriptyline which helps for sleeping it works really well 

  • Posted

    I have FINALLY been taken seriously and had an MRI, AFTER ANOTHER BOUT OF PAIN, i ONLY GOT MY mri REFERRAL WHEN THE DOCTOR DID THE REFLEX TESTS ON MY RIGHT AND LEFT KNEE AND ANKLES AND THERE WAS NONE IN MY RIGHT LEG, AND BARELY ANY IN MY LEFT LEG. I have also been off work for 3 weeks with this latest bout as well! I get my results on tuesday so hopefully will get answers and a plan to move forward.
    • Posted

      Shame a such it seems everybody with chronic pain has to fight to get things moving the gps don't listen I've had no x Rays or scans the drugs I take don't work during the day only work at night for sleeping I don't have any faith in the NHS anymore.

      Good news your moving foward its no life for anyone living in pain hope they find what the problem is so you can move on with your life

      GiOS luck 

  • Posted

    Well I got my MRI results, as well as the things already discovered in my last x-ray (scoliosis, vertebrae degeneration) they have also found a prolapsed disc on my left side, low down in Lumbar vertabrae where it meets the sacrum. I have been referred to physio so I hope this can help, but it just seems one more thing to be concerned about (Scoliosis, sciatica now a prolapsed disc!) If the physio does not make it better then would you recommend me asking my GP to reffer me to orthopaedics?
    • Posted

      Ask to be sent to orthopaedics the physio will give you exercises to do you also may need surgery.

      I'm having another assessment on Friday as I can't feel my legs ( sciatia in both legs now the tramadol I take is not working at all ) hope you get sorted 

      Good luck smile 

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