Scream and shout and fed up!
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Hi guys, sorry to come here and vent but I know if I try to tell people at home the only reply I'll get is "what do you have to moan about, how can you feel depressed your life is easy! Blah blah blah" for once I would like to know how it feels to have someone cook your tea, bring you your tea, take away your plates then clean the kitchen whilst you sit and do nothing! Feeling so sorry for myself today and just want to cry, I ache all over and sick of this awful menopause and every symptom it gives me, I wake up every morning not even wanting to get up and dreading the day, my memory is shocking today and I can hardly even string a sentence together, it's only just 7pm and I'm completely ready to go curl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep! Why do we have to feel so awful and I actually feel bad for feeling like this xx sorry again but needed to vent somewhere! Just want there to be a switch I can turn myself back to me again 😓😓
2 likes, 15 replies
michelle50768 lou-lou
It's good to come on here and let of steam.
Go and listen to some relaxation music download an app on your phone or laptop.
Do some breathing exercises.
Be kind to yourself.
If you don't take care of you nobody else will.
Sending hugs x
michelle46271 lou-lou
Sending big hugs. I wish things would get better for us. Do you get many feelings like this when on HRT?x
chelo lou-lou
chelo lou-lou
louise44105 lou-lou
brendababy lou-lou
I've managed to go walking and shopping today with my husband, I've been really imbalanced drunk feeling, shaking and vibrating, sore stiff neck etc etc but no nausea or headache thank goodness, I had that yesterday with the doom n gloom depressed feeling which I can't cope with
I'm on tibolone, been on if for 3 months, but I don't think you get enough estrogen or progesterone on it, it's a kinda half way house. I've tried lots of HRTs but the side effects have been too much for me to handle
Just really wanted to say to you that you'll get bad days and days where you won't be great but manageable, I never imagined menopause could be as bad as this, I have two sisters one who's through the other end and one a year younger than me, she takes her HRT although she has problems with fatigue and a b12 deficiency she lives her life as normal, I can't get my head around how I've been affected so bad 😳
Anyway, take strength from the fact that there's lots of us out there who are suffering the same as you but try and defy the symptoms and sensations, get angry with them rather than anxious i find this gives me some feeling of control if you know what I mean
Things will settle and balance out eventually but try not to despair life's too short
Hope this helps in some way
Take care
Brenda xx
sazzie42 lou-lou
Just vent to us on here - always happy to listen and send a hug.
Take care
Look after yourself and do at least one thing tomorrow that you choose to do for you x
looloo43 lou-lou
maria101 lou-lou
deidra40034 lou-lou
brendababy deidra40034
I'm very sensitive to tablet side effects so usually stick to taking naramig-Triptan which I have used for menstrual migraines for years but they are less effective now
Brenda x
unico31026 lou-lou
michellemybell lou-lou
I know exactly how u feel.
I ache all over day in day out, I work hard up at 6 Monday to Friday and I work weekends.
I dint feel like myself anymore feels like im living in a dream. My brain fog is terrible to I constantly don't know what I'm gonna say next.
I'm also very teary abd embarrassed to show it so often cry alone feeling sorry for myself which then only makes u feel worse.
Us women go through so much men have it easy.
8 years I've been going through this it started with aches and pains in my shoulder then night sweats hot flushes then irregular periods now wow it's taken a jump the pains are just everywhere .
I don't seem to laugh anymore abd I'm definately no longer the life and soul of the party now I'm the grouch of the party always moaning always hurrying people home not wanting visitors at my home arghhhh this is NOT ME.
I just want my life back