Seeing Different Colors in Vision

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Hello Ladies,

It's me again. Just wondering if any of you ladies out there are noticing color changes in your vision when looking at white or light backgrounds like pink and yellow or green. Please let me know this just started happening 2 months ago so I am wondering if it is hormonal or not. Thank You

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi shana

    I get problems with my eyes, it's really unnerving. I get floaters, little flashes, struggle with adapting to light changes and notice different colours in my vision. Not much fun! I have them tested regularly though and everything is fine, just seems to be one of those things unfortunately xx

    • Posted

      Thank You Sassy!!!! I have been feeling so alone with my crazy visual disturbances.....Thanks for your post

  • Posted

    Hi shana, I have all kinds of weirdness with my eyes....If I look at at light colored wall, or the sky for example, I see grey speckles...visual snow or purple colors (colors usually outside on a clear day). We have snow now and I cannot look at it on the ground, it is blinding and I will see all kinds of crap. Also, I can look at something, then look away and the image will transfer over..almost like my eyes are little cameras. I see colors mostly at night or if I shut my eyes, especially during a migraine. Floaters, squiggles I have had since I was a kid... never thought much about them. They are much worse now. My eyesight is terrible since 5 years old. Terrible migraines since peri and more visual issues.

    • Posted

      Wow...I am So sorry least your not alone my vision is funky as well......Thank You for your response

    • Posted

      Hi lou. I recently started getting migraines with aura a few months ago and I have some of the same vision issues that you have described. If I go outside I see speckles as well except mine are more black than gray. I also get what I can only describe as twinkling in the corners of my eyes. I also have images transfer when I look away too. I see all kinds of flashes of light when I close my eyes. They aren't colored though. They are white. It's very annoying when I'm trying to go to sleep at night. If I try to look at objects that are kinda far away from me they look sparkly and fuzzy especially if the light in the room is dim. These visual disturbances happen to me every day. I'm not sure if they are somehow related to my migraines but since you have similar issues and you get migraines too it makes me wonder.

    • Posted

      Hi Tracy, I would say you are on the right track especially since you get migraines. I thought my eyes were the problem...but it is actually coming from my brain. If I see weird stuff out of one eye and cover that eye....I still see it from the opposite eye. My eyes are healthy and my prescription is up to date ( I have astigmatism in both eyes, but I have had that for 35 years) If you research migraine, there is a lot of info. Most drs do not take migraine problems seriously. My eyes are also blurry looking far away...even with my glasses or contacts on...street signs are weird and fuzzy. I am under the care of an oto neurotologist and am on nortriptyline for vestibular migraine. A side effect is blurry eyes (cannot win) Also, I wear wrap around sunglasses, helps a little.

      Good luck! Always happy to help if you have any questions! Hate perimenopause! Never had all these problems.

    • Posted

      Mine are coming from the brain as well. I've tried researching migraines and all I ever find is that visual disturbances should only happen right before or at the beginning of a migraine and should only last up to an hour. I do get the zig zag line before my headache starts for about 30 minutes but I also have these other eye issues that are constant as well. I couldn't find any info on the kind of disturbances that I am experiencing. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. You are right about doctors not taking migraines seriously. I told my doctor about them and she basically just said "oh really?" and dismissed it. I don't think she even put it in my medical records. I'm having a hard time figuring out what my triggers are for my migraines. Do you happen to know how long after you are exposed to a trigger the migraine attack should start? I thought they must be hormonal but I had read that most hormonal migraines don't come with aura and I have frequent auras. I'd never had a migraine before in my life until last November and I'm 44 years old. Thank you for the good luck wishes and offer to help. All of this stuff has been pretty scary for me. I have horrible anxiety too which makes it even worse.

  • Posted

    hi ladies - this is a little different eye issue...has anybody experienced blepharitis during menopause that they cant seem to get rid of? i have been suffering with this for 4 months - been to the opthamologist 3 times & nothing is working - my eyes tear/run nonstop, they are bloodshot, crusty in the morning, light sensitive & blurry vision from all the gonk in my eyes - having your eyesight impaired is very unnerving -

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      I have the light sensitive eyes as well as watery and the crust sometimes as well your not alone......Thank You for your reply

    • Posted

      Hi Debra, how terrible! my mom used to run a daycare years ago...she used to catch different eye things, pink eye, conjunctivitis. She is very old school and never went to the dr...but she would use boric acid and water mixture and wash her eyes with it. I know blepharitis is not exactly the same as it is not viral, but maybe something to research or ask the dr. about. She will be 78 next week and is healthier than me!

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      ...make that boiled water

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      hi Shana - Have you been diagnosed with anything in particular?

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      hi lou - Thank you for that...i will try it, i am desperate! I Have read that blepharitis can be chronic and many people with rosacea (another gift of menopause) get it - i have actually looked up home remedies for it cuz the steroid drops, baby shampoo compresses, doxycycline, allergy pills, artificial tears, etc are not touching it - i feel like everyday its something new - ugh!

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      No. Why? They ran so many tests and I am extremely Healthy. Please Elaborate if you would😊

    • Posted

      HI Shana, i was curious from my standpoint if they (drs) told you what was causing your light sensitivity - My opthamalogist promises me i wont go blind from blepharitis or ocular rosacea, but this condition is really impacting my life (cant drive at night, cant be outside without sunglasses, eyes constantly tearing, etc etc) also, i am dealing with knee issues & my vision is throwing off my already gimpy gait...oh god i feel like i am 90...probably should just throw in the towel & get a motorized wheel chair -

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