Seeing Spots!
Posted , 7 users are following.
Is there any one who see spots now an again with dizziness an nausea?
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Is there any one who see spots now an again with dizziness an nausea?
0 likes, 12 replies
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lindabelle wendy36287
Hi Wendy I have had dizziness and anxiety for years and can't seem to find a drug that works for me . I am 57 and have been going through it for about 9 years now it sucks
maria45873 wendy36287
Zigangie wendy36287
I don't know what spots you mean?
I often see stars bright very shiny glitter looking with tails floating around, if it's these get your blood pressure looked at. I get them often because my BP is always very low.
During peri I had something quiet different these were yellow orange unmoving spots, I could see them with eyes open our closed, I had them again for a few days when I began HRT and have not had them since.
I'm not sure if they were related to the dizzy feelings or nausea. But I did have all of it for a few years (the dizzy feelings and nausea came back with the spots for a few days so very possible it's connected.
wendy36287 Zigangie
Zigangie wendy36287
My suggestion would be to see if you can try HRT, I didn't speak with doctors about it as they blamed everything I had on depression anyway which just depressed me!
wendy36287 Zigangie
Scou wendy36287
I see spots. It's odd like blotches of cement. I describe it as when your staring at the sun then look away. The blotches arnt always present but the dizziness has been for a year, gone to numerous dr and nobody has answers I'm beginning to feel more and more it's related to hormones ESP after reading so many others around my age experiencing the same thing. I'm 54 still having periods
wendy36287 Scou
Scou wendy36287
wendy36287 Scou
Scou wendy36287
Not sure I understand. Do you know what the manuvrur is called maybe I could google it and give it a try I'm pretty desperate,,, thanks !
wendy36287 Scou