Seeking alternatives to Estradiol and Progesterone

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Hi there, I am hoping to get some helpful advice regarding alternatives to hormones.  A little bit about myself: I am 33 yrs old. I suffered since I was 12 with Endometriosis, not knowing what it was until I became sexually active at 22 and had an OBGYN exam for pain.  Fast forward to 28, I had a hysterectomy w/removal of my left ovary. The Dr. opted to keep my right ovary as it wasn't completely destroyed by the cyts/endo at that point. Forward again 2 years, and I found myself in emergency surgery for a torsion. My right ovary twisted, died and had been negrotic inside for about a week.  Now, at 33, after endless tweaking of hormones, I am on Estradiol, 2mg once a day, and Progesterone. I have gained 30 lbs and am miserable because of it. My self esteem has gone down the tubes. More important that weight gain is the concern I have about side effects of long term use in hormones, including breast cancer.  I have been around and around in circles with my doctors about this, but they insist due to my age that I can not, not be on hormones. They say I will age quickly, my skin will wrinkle, hair will fall out, will not sleep, etc. ( And I have to say that when I did experiement short therm with no homrones at all, that I did indeed suffer some of they above symptoms). Has anyone or is anyone going through the same or a similiar experience that can offer support or suggestions?  No one I know understands, especially since the woman I know who are dealing with menopause are late 40's, early 50's.  It's not only physical, but also emotional, as the choice to have another child was stripped away, and my body which has alays been tall and lean is now not. I do not know how to deal with all of to this. Anyone?

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19 Replies

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    dm, yes I can relate ('tho I'm 67...) Would it be accurate to say your biggest issue is wt. gain? Then breast cancer. ? If you are able to know the history of breast cancer on both sides of your family, that might be reassuring, as most women are not at risk, statistically. I hope you are one of them.

    I, too, gained a bunch of wt. and I think progesterone/progestins may be more of a culprit than estradiol (from experience w all that stuff.)  If you do not have a uterus to protect, I am not aware of "why" you need to stay on progesterones/ins. Your doc may know otherwise, of course.

    I worked for years to try to go back to my normal weight. I believe we are all different, with different needs and solutions. fwiw, I got a good boost in wt. loss when I finally was reminded of a guideline from tai chi class: only go 70%. I.e. don't push beyond that point. Recently I read a similar tactic in The Dragon's Way, a book abt. diet and wt. and Chinese medicine. That's where I got the idea to eat as little, or just a bit more, than I felt I needed in the moment. That's when I discovered I had been eating as much as I could... (I tried walking as exerise, which is nice, but not a great wt. loss program at the low "mileage" I was putting in.) To be honest, 70% is kinda scary for me, so I eat more than that, but not 100%. I started very gradually going down to my ideal wt. range. That's been holding for a while. I still love to walk, which may help maintain the long-awaited loss. Your own version of how to feel good, eat enough, and still lose wt. will work.

    Best wishes to you -- will watch for more posts and ideas.)

    • Posted

      Hi there,

      Thanks for your input.I guess one reason I am so frustrated, is that I do not eat sugars and starches, nor do I hit the low calorie mark each day. Yeah, I grab the occasional treat every now and then, especially in summer with all the BBQ's and what not, but for the most part, my diet consists of yogurt w/almond's in the AM, and a big salad w/light dressing in the afternoon evening.  I am not a big meat eater, but I will have some chicken every now and then.....and I do like cheese. But I do not go overboard on any of the above. I just don't get it!

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    I had hysterectomy and oopherectomy at age 38 - gyne surgeon inserted hrt implant before he stitched me up.  I also had severe endomentriosis which he removed as much as he could see.  Several years later, my gp said I should use provera as well to de activate the endometriosis.

    I have not come across anything that puts an age limit on HRT.  Do your own medical research, print it out and take it to drs and ask them where they got their info from.  The younger you are when you go into surgical menopause, the more you need it.

    Opt for Estradiol patches, and Sandrena gel to top up if you feel you have run out of oestrogen.  Research saying that hrt causes breast cancer is flawed.  Do not just read the final outcome, read the content to ascertain under what conditions they did the research.  It may not pertain to you.  Talking to my endocrinologist just yesterday, he said that progesterone suppresses risk of breast cancer too.

    I have been on oestrodiol (implants, patches, gel) for 25 years now.  So glad it was invented.


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      BTW, my maternal aunt did have breast cancer, but her lifestyle (unhealthy) was so different to mine.  Besides women (including my aunt) who have never had hrt get breast cancer too.

      Eliminate sugars and starches and weight will melt off you.


    • Posted

      Hi there,

      Thanks for your input.I guess one reason I am so frustrated, is that I do not eat sugars and starches, nor do I hit the low calorie mark each day. Yeah, I grab the occasional treat every now and then, especially in summer with all the BBQ's and what not, but for the most part, my diet consists of yogurt w/almond's in the AM, and a big salad w/light dressing in the afternoon evening.  I am not a big meat eater, but I will have some chicken every now and then.....and I do like cheese. But I do not go overboard on any of the above. I just don't get it!

    • Posted

      Hi there,

      Thanks for your input.I guess one reason I am so frustrated, is that I do not eat sugars and starches, nor do I hit the low calorie mark each day. Yeah, I grab the occasional treat every now and then, especially in summer with all the BBQ's and what not, but for the most part, my diet consists of yogurt w/almond's in the AM, and a big salad w/light dressing in the afternoon evening.  I am not a big meat eater, but I will have some chicken every now and then.....and I do like cheese. But I do not go overboard on any of the above. I just don't get it!

    • Posted

      The trick is to have some protein with each meal and snack.  It does not have to be meat, e.g. eggs, cheese, can of tuna/salmon with your salad, nuts.  Fish is very beneficial (grilled - not battered or crumbed!).

      A cooked breakfast works best.  I know when working it creates a problem with time.  I preboiled eggs to last me a week.  One with a slice of turkey, avocado, and tomato will make a big difference.  Some yoghurt as well (first) as a probiotic, which apparently is important to build up our gut flora to help lose weight.  Breakfast is also the best time to have a little fruit so you can work off the sugars during the day.

      Canned beans/lentils are high in starch, too, just in case you add them to your salad.  Apart from some protein, you can fill up your plate with lots of green vegetables and cauliflower.  I don't count calories.  As long as the sugars and starches are out, this will work.

  • Posted

    Hello DM.

    You will find younger women going through surgical menopause due to hysterectomy, in the Hysterectomy discussion groups.

    Hope that helps. smile

  • Posted

    Sorry you are going through this at a young age i wish i could do something or say something. 

    You have my prayers 

  • Posted

    Good discussion here, imo. Did know that progesterone might help protect against breast cancers. (?) Fwiw, reading your strict dietary intake, makes me wonder if you are getting enough nutrition/fuel? My little trick is that I don't get hungry, b/c I'm eating something "all the time" (if you ask my dear neighbor, who seems to always knock or call when my mouth is full...) : ) This is how I lost wt. You mention the summer BBQ's -- ahhh yes. I try to eat a med. bowl of potato chips everyday (and 2 cookies after dinner...) b/c I knew I could not "diet" nor stick to anything that felt sad and restrictive. I can almost hear the gasps out there, but I'm getting good results eating eggs, beans, cheese, whole fat dairy, a little rice; and a nice salad w avocado and some sort of protein for dinner. I love ethnic foods (but high in carbs!) so I eat some and save the rest to put in eggs. Hope this helps in some way. Looking back, I think that quality of life counts. It's just finding a good path, to feel good. imo. : )
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      typo -- meanat to say did Not know abt. progest. protecting for breast cancers.


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      Just in case I have implied this, I don't think progesterone is meant to be taken on its own to protect against breast cancers.  It has to be balanced with oestrodiol.


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    Wild Yam has seen me through it. It's herb that's the main ingredient for a 'super' supplement that women rave about. It's expensive so I couldn't afford it and just take Wild Yam as a tincture. It does the job!
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      Not just me! cheesygrin It's a very well known herb for menopause.
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      I should say well documented rather than well known; nowadays hardly any herbs are well known but thankfully that's changing. razz
    • Posted

      hah, I see your point. I had heard of wild yam. Didn't know there is a tincture. I like money saving tips. : ) Thanks, Georgia.

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