Selexid doesn't seem to be working!
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I'm now on day 2 of taking Selexid, and no change.
Still have constant pressure on my bladder, and urinating frequently. Had an awful night last night was up twice to go to the toilet! I've now had this uti for seven weeks! Third lot of antibiotics. Starting to get really worried. My GP has told me to go back if these antibiotics don't work, and he will refer me to a urologist. To have scans, please does anyone have any advice on how to ease the heaviness on my bladder, I don't have burning when I urinate, nor do I have any pain or blood in my urine.
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phoebewhite hannah12074
Have you had an internal examination? is it possible you have a slight prolapse? That's the only thing I can think of when you describe heaviness in your bladder, I have a UTI at the moment that I am controlling with suppliments and drinking an awful lot of water, you are lucky to have only had to get up twice in the night, I was up 4 times the first night it started
. Have you had cultures done? If so do you know what the results were?
hannah12074 phoebewhite
Hi Phoebe,
I have had a urine sample the first time I went to the doctors and it has come back as an e-Coli uti. The first lot of antibiotics I had were for three days nitrofurintoin, and they didn't work. I went back to see my GP a week later, and gave me the same antibiotic but for a week. Which didn't work, so I went back on Thursday, have done another urine sample which has been sent away again to be tested, I am now on my third lot of antibiotics, Selexid. For a week, I'm on my 2nd day and still no change. But have been told to go back if they don't work, and then my GP Will refer me to a urologist. I just keep thinking it's something awful. And really hoped these antibiotics would work! I hope it's not a prolapse I don't have any leakage
lynda20916 hannah12074
Hi Hannah,
So sorry that you're dealing with this. nitrofurantoin is the preferred treatment for most of the strains of bacteria, including the strains identified as e-coli. (I do lots of research).
You could have a persistent bacteria. Using a penecillin causes bacteria problems in the gut (kills the good and bad) and urologists don't usally use it to treat a uti. I suggest you start taking probiotics!
Referral to a urologist might be a good thing.
lynda20916 hannah12074
phoebewhite hannah12074
miriam65408 hannah12074
Selexid is a penicillin-type antibiotic so will only work against certain bacteria. Did your doctor do cultures so that he knows what he's dealing with? So many docs just prescribe the same old things without bothering to find out what actual bug is causing the problem - or whether there is an actual bug in the first place!!
If you don't have burning, just the heaviness it may well not be an infection but do find out about the culture just in case.
Be warned, there is a group of antibiotics (ABx) called the fluoroquinolones that can cause serious side effects. They're usually only prescribed when other ABx haven't worked. I'm saying this just in case a doc tries to give you one of these. The name to watch out for is Ciprofloxacin but there are others (usually ending in -floxacin). If you're given any other ABx always check on the leaflet as it will say at the top what type of antibiotic it is.
Hope you get over this soon.
lynda20916 miriam65408
The ABx called flouroquinolones can cause side effects, but they've been safely pescribed in the US for years, and they work on most all of the bacteria causing bladder infections. As for ciproflaxin, they are the second most popular ABx, at least in the US, despite their side effects.
It's a good idea for any patient to learn how ABx work, not all of them work by killing good and bad bacteria, such as cipro.
It's also good for a patient to do their own research to learn about the causes of recurrent UTI's, especially in post menopausal women. That way, they will be better able to deal with their doctors, rather than following treatment instructions that don't make sense, such as taking abx after abx when no culture has been done.
hannah12074 miriam65408
Hi Miriam,
The Selexid actually feels like it's starting to work, the heaviness in my bladder has gone, and I'm not having the urge to constantly go to the toilet, I still have a bit of an ache in my side. only on day 3 of antibiotics, and have been given them for a week. I'm just hoping that they completely clear it, and the infection doesn't return!
miriam65408 hannah12074
That's good news. Please keep what I said above in mind in case you ever (ever!) get offered Cipro or another FQ. Check out the discussions on this site about it if you want to see what I mean! This goes for anyone reading this.
Hope you feel much better soon.
anna25651 hannah12074
Hi Hannah,
I know it’s been a while since you posted but I am having EXACTLY the same symptoms as you. Now on Selexid that’s a 3 day course, of 4 tabs first day then 3 for next 2 days, 200mg I have just completed day 2 and still have symptoms. Like you I am freaking out after 3 lots of antibiotics! I’ve had 3 days of Macobid, 3 days of trimeopthin and now this selexid. How are you doing? Were you on the same dose and have you got rid of it. I’m so worried! I’ve had a ‘feel’ up there but nothing feels different and this cane on overnight with burning pain and lots of weeing. Pain went fast needing a constant wee hasn’t 😩
I’d be so grateful for your help x
christine35070 hannah12074
I've had 2 lot's of amoxasiline now on selexid 3rd day but no difference
christine35070 hannah12074
I've had two lots of amoxasiline now on selexid day 3 with no change really worried.
joshuapryce1987 hannah12074
Severe infection.