Self care til ACTH test?
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Hi I wonder if anyone could give me some advice. My endocrinologist suspects Addison's and has requested an urgent ACTH stimulation test. Apparently it will be in 2 weeks.
I have been really struggling with faintness and vomiting and cramps and things and I wondered if there is anything I can do do keep myself as safe as possible til the test? I really don't want to end up having an Addisonian crisis if it is Addison's. I have been trying to ensure fluid intake and take dioralyte when I vomit. Family are going to come and supervise me in a few days as I live alone. Any other suggestions?
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Lorraine_W rosie34970
Best wishes LorraineĀ
rosie34970 Lorraine_W
Thanks. I'm trying to push to get the test moved forward, I think two weeks is the 'urgent' timeline here unfortunately. I haven't had an electrolyte imbalance yet (the times it's been tested) but it does feel scary waiting considering the possibility of crisis :-/ I'm trying not to panic as I think that'll make it worse ...
dena_79123 rosie34970
Did you have an AM cortisol test? If so, how low was it? Unfortunately, if you have adrenal insufficiency the only "self care" that will really help is medicine to replace the cortisol you no longer make for yourself. Get a blood pressure cuff, and keep a close check on BP. Research the other symptoms of crisis, and if anything sets off warning bells...get to an ER and tell them you are being evaluated for adrenal insufficiency. Crisis can happen fast.
rosie34970 dena_79123
Thankyou. No they gave me a random cortisol on Friday so said it didn't tell them much. I actually had a couple of morning cortisol's done last year which came back fine (don't know exact numbers) so hopefully it'll be ok; but because my symptoms are strongly suggestive they want to proceed straight to short synacthen test for a decisive answer. I have got a blood pressure cuff funnily enough - how low would it need to be to worry? I've been to a&e a couple times recently when cramps got bad but electrolytes were ok so they sent me home.
dena_79123 rosie34970
rosie34970 dena_79123
Great, thanks that's useful. I'm usually around 110/80 so I will keep an eye.
1941john rosie34970
From my experience many years ago:
1. Eat luttle and often
2. No spicy foods
3. No alcohol
4. Rest and relax as much as possible
5. Plenty of fluids
Hope you get the test done quickly. Living with Addison's is not like living with cancer, Ms or other things provided you take your medicines and avoid obvious risks of infection. If it is Addison's you will pick up back to normal living v quickly.
Good luck
rosie34970 1941john
Thankyou John that is good to hear and reassuring that I'm doing the right things. Am doing everything I can to chase the test but they don't seem to have a great sense of urgency and are on annual leave today! Fingers crossed it gets sorted soon.
Thanks, Rosie
rosie34970 1941john
Sorry John I've got another question! You said to avoid possible infection and my mum is in process of recovering from flu.
My parents are the only people who would be able to keep an eye on me and I don't want to be on my own in case I faint again and being so unwell and on my own is getting me down and I'd really like company.
If she is recovering do you think it'll be safe to be in same flat if we are careful about hand washing etc? Or would it be safer if just my dad came (though he might be carrying the same germs from being with my mum)?
Good news! The endo is going to put me on some hydrocortisone til my test cos he thinks it's safer. Yay, hoping it makes me feel better :-)
Lorraine_W rosie34970
That's good news Rosie x