Self confidence/body issues/dating with HS

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Hello everyone, my name is Paige and I'm a 22 year old female with HS along my bikini line, a little in my groin, and scars from outbreaks in my armpits from HS that went away on its own. I'm currently Stage 2, but was boarderline Stage 3 before starting rifampin and clindamycin a few months ago. I am overweight, and this disease has mutilated part of my body. Needless to say, my self confidence has taken a nose dive and my depression is fueled by this disease making me feel ugly and gross.

I am kind of just looking for some support from anyone who can relate/has a story of how they got to a point where they felt ok about it? How can you tell people what HS is without sounding gross? Dating and HS?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paige!

    I know exactly how you feel, it's awful.

    Sounds really stupid but what I did when I first met my boyfriend is cover up with plasters. When he used to ask why do you have a plaster there I used to say I cut myself shaving. I realise how redic this sounds but I was mortified and was just trying to cover. The scarring looks much worse to us than to them I think. Eventually I had to come clean As no one can genuinely be that Clumsy with a razor so I just explained without going into detail that my sweat glands get blocked and swell up so it's painful ( without going into details of boils and blood etc) and so that if I had a swelling I will just say ahh my leg is bad at the moment not tonight sort of thing and he would understand? I am still depressed about this and my weight and the combination of the two are a nightmare but I do have a loving understanding partner so they are out there smile don't be afraid x

    • Posted

      That's really great that he's so understanding! I can imagine that'd be hard. Thanks for reaching out

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    I'm have been exactly where you are and still visit from time to time. I still feel gross and ugly on bad days. Mine get so bad I can't walk and miss work the pain can be unbearable but the shame of it can be so much worse. I'm very lucky to have a husband that stands by me and always points out the good bits. He always says he wouldn't change my illness for anyone but me as he will take me however he can. Bless him. There are good people out there that will understand and help you get to a place where your not so down on yourself. There is nothing wrong with any of us we have a nasty disease that takes so much away from us. We all stand strong together

  • Posted

    Hi Paige my name's Alex, I'm a 28 year old man and I too have HS. It started in my arm in 2011 and quickly moved to my groin and under the stomach I have not had much luck with my dermatologist and antibiotics so I have an upcoming appointment at Mayo clinic in Minnesota about the middle of July. Hopefully when I get back I'll have some more information to share with everyone. As far as dating I just suggest being upfront with any potential significant other and if they don't understand or if they are a** holes just keep looking. There are still a few decent guys left! Keep your chin up and feel free to write back if this was any help

    • Posted

      Thanks alex for your support!! I hope all goes well in July at the Mayo Clinic. My antibiotics have really been helping and my surgery is coming up so I'm feeling a lot better! Hope you are toosmile

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