Self diagnosed Vasculitis .

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Hi , I don't know if what kind of vasculitis i have only by pictures off the Net,

But only by going on patient uk for another illness i have and talking to some people on that forum i have ended up here.

  I suffer from high blood pressure ,Crohns.

I just wanted to ask if anyone who as Vasculitis as been taking any Blood Pressure Meds then got Vasculitis after.

  Especially  Calcium Channel blockers ,mine is Amlodipine .


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Anthony I have vasculitis and high blood pressure. I have always had vasculitis since childhood with periods of remission.

    I think your raised blood pressure can be a symptom of the vasculitis. I am no expert but if I just don't think vasculitis can be caused by amlodipine.

    But I woukd say amlodipine can have side effects and I think you could try a change in meds. I take Losartan which has very few side effects. Having vasculitis often makes you quite drug sensitive. I react badly to a lot of medication. Hope this helps. You should see a proper specialist to get a full diagnosis.

  • Posted

    Hi Anthony

    Vasculitis cannot be caused by any drugs - work continues worldwide to determine cause/s The only way to tell if you have vasculitis (there are many forms) us to have tests. Suggest you area Rheumatologist soonest.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Thanks Dave, on futher looking on net , my skin looks like Petechia not vasculitis , small dots on arms and chest , but my legs are the worst and swollen ankles ,Sinusis of nose ,.. but now think low dose Aspirin 75mg just might be problem , i have been taking for 20 years , i will try get some sence from my gp when can get appointment , thanks dave
  • Posted

    You need to be diagnosed by a doctor to know if you have Vasculitis. ACE inhibitors used for treating high blood pressure, and certain diuretics are suspected for contributing to Vasculitis. I was taking Hyzaar which contained Hydrochlorothiazide and found out it is a  thiazide diuretic. I had my doctor to switch me to another medication, but that didn't help my condition. The cause of Vasculitis is not known, but infections, health conditions and drugs are suspected.

    • Posted

      Hi brown , futher investigations on net i have been doing , i now think Petechia ,but may be not Amlodipine but low dose Aspirin 75mg , i think also Sinusis polyps wellings in nose, to which i have some removed 3 years ago,when i  can get appointment with doctor i will ask him, looking at petechia pics from net i have them all on both legs . thanks
    • Posted

      Sorry meant to say according to online info petechia can be caused by vasculitis. 
    • Posted

      Anthony, I really understand what you are going through, it took me a very long time to be diagnosed. I tested all my medications, vitamins, food allergies, etc. to no avail. I suffered quite a bit, itching and scratching until blood came. I could not sleep. My scars will last a lifetime. Finally my doctor sent me to a dermatologist who did a biopsy revealing Urticarial Vasculitis. What you need to do is see a qualified dermatologist, allergist, rheumatology or a doctor who is qualified to diagnose your condition. Let us know what they find out.
  • Posted

    Looking at the images online it is very similar to vasculitis rash. I would get an appointment to be checked out as soon as rather than trying to research it online. It is a complicated diagnosis to make and I'd want to get that checked out. Whatever is going on may not be related to any meds at all. The fact that you're on the meds is possibly pointing to an underlying condition. Hope you get answers soon .

    • Posted

      Thanks margaret, i have been on blood pressure meds for about twenty years now, told doctor about legs , to no avail , so i have decied to find cure myself , i have narrowed it down to low dose Aspirin 75mg , after reading about Aspirin to which i have been taking along Amlodipine ,Bendrofluthizide (water Tabs) fossinolpril ,Simvastatin, but could also be the Bendro , (water tabs), last visit to doctor moisterrising cream for legs , thanks Margaret 
    • Posted

      Anthony, I know where you're coming from as it took me years to get a proper diagnosis. I just personally feel your rash could be related to an underlying condition which could also be at the heart of your blood pressure problems too. I have vasculitis and my blood pressure problems started with that. OK so no one will officially say that and maybe I'm wrong. But whenever I am flaring my blood pressure becomes more stubborn to treat. 

      But what I would say to you is ask for a referral to a dermatologist as you should be able to get that from your doctor. Be forceful and don't let them fob you off. It is ridiculous that we are stumbling around trying to self diagnose when we should be able to get the proper attention from our medics. If you are unwell and no one is sure of what's going on my experience is you have to be very thick skinned and go back and back again before they will listen and refer you on. Good luck

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