Sensation of Fullness

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Good day to everyone.

Like to have peoples apinion on these symptons:-

I am 50 years old with heart problem and COPD

For the last eight months I have had the feeling of being full. What I mean by this is that I can no longer eat alot, for excample:- Sunday Lunch. I can only eat about half of it where I used to be able to eat it all. I now eat little, but often, and not always the right food.

When I do try to eat a normal size meal, I become slightlt ill and start to sweat. I get a slight discomfort in the stomach area but I do not get anything like acid reflux.

My number 2's go in a cycle. I first get constipation, then they are loose, then diarreah, (not sure that's how you spell it). This will cycle once like this every month.


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    l got the feeling of being full to uncomfortable after eating what was a normal size meal for me, ld felt this for a year or so, and had too be careful what l ate or drank, alcahol even in small amounts made me ill. Then started with nausea, and went off food altogether, lived off tea and oat biscuits day time, maybe small plain meal eve, l,d also get bloating, belching, l wasnt aware of feeling acid reflux, and l,d been diagnosed with it years earlier, anyway l was referred to gastroenteroloist and scope showed l,d a bit of inflammation, put on omprazole, along with small meals of plain food, pots, veg, rice, pasta, fish, chicken, and it did settle 90percent, Maybe you need to ask your doc if you can see gastrologist, Your bowel probs sound a bit like ibs, but the gastrologist could advice.  good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Lynne

      Thanks for your time. Have had test's done. Its not IBS or any similar condition. Basically, at this moment in time, thedoctors do not know.

      That's why I decided to ask for info on here.

      Many thanks

      Kev  (UK)smile

  • Posted

    The sweating thing you mentioned when you try to eat a full meal.. If you have trapped wind (It could be in your large intestines pushing up against your stomach or small intestines or your actual stomach or all of them) and you eat you put more pressure on the stomach by putting food into it, part of the stomach is attached to a valve which controls the heart rhythm and this added pressure can set it off.. This would cause you to sweat.. Have you felt your heart area when this happens?
    • Posted

      Hi MrPenguin

      Thanks for your reply.

      No I haven't felt my heart area, but I will the next time it happens.

      Many thanks

      Kev  (UK)biggrin

  • Posted

    Sounds possibly like irritable bowel syndrome. Caused over time by a bad diet and bad lifestyle habits. It could also possibly be chrons or colitis. I had this and went to dr. I would see a gastrointerologist if I were you to get some things ruled out.  Try to stay away from red meat for sure and fiber for now.  Red meat sits in your bowels for much longer then anything else you eat. Fiber causes your bowels to do lots of moving.  So eat things like rice, pasta, soups, banannas, applesauce. Alot like you have the flu type diet. See if this helps before you get into the doctor.  Best of Luck
    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      Had tests done and IBS and any similar condition is not the problem here. Basically, the doctors are not sure at the moment, that's why I decided to ask the people on this site for any info.

      Many thanks

      Kev  (UK)  smile

    • Posted

      Hi Kevin

      Have you been tested for Gastroparesis? It is also known as delayed gastric emptying. It would be worth ruling out. The test required is a gastric emptying study, which should be 4 hours long (as studies show that shorter tests - e.g. 2 hours - miss some people and give a false negative result). Unfortunately I have noticed some of the NHS tests seem to be 90 mins! You can get this test done privately if you can afford it.


    • Posted

      Hi louise

      Thanks for that. I have an appointmenwith the gastro department next week. I shall certainly suggest it to them.

      Kev (UK)  smile

    • Posted

      Hi Kevin

      You're welcome. I hope that it helps, and it is definitely worth ruling out. Let me know how you get on.


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