Sensations of buzzing over body and restless legs etc

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Hi ladies

I have terrible restless legs back with vengeance at night. It seems to be my body too. Also when I rest I don't feel relaxed at all,all jumpy and edgy. I've had the most awful symptoms as a lot of ladies on here will remember. The last 4 months I've started a new job as before that I didn't work for 7 months due to symptoms(loads of anxiety). I love the job and. I have been more positive and accepting of the symptoms. I am on HRT which has helped but not completely stopped things. If I close my eyes I feel all edgy again. My body doesn't want to stop and let me relax. Saying this i am lots better than this time last year. I'm trying magnesium flakes in a bath tonight. Fingers crossed.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    i have restless legs and tinnitus back again after not having it for 6 months, so not happy about it.  Must be hormones on the drop again!   You may have tried this already but I am finding   rescue remedy great at night before sleep.  4 drops on the tongue.   Is there ever any end to all this???
  • Posted

    Hiya I have had this and the doctor told me that it is the way my brain is interpretating pain on my nerve endings. I find that if I get really stressed out comes back and I find that I just have to meditate be mindful have massages, reiki and reflexology. It is just a matter of calming down. Easier said than done. If you put Epsom salts amd some lavender essential oil in the bath and also put some lavender in an oil burner. Camomile tea also helps good luck x
    • Posted

      Thankyou. I'm having a soak tonight in my new magnesium flakes. I do drink camomile tea especially if I don't drop off and have to go down. Do you know of a really good meditation app?

  • Posted

    Im the same i have got some epsome salts to put in my bath supposed to be good to relax and de stress,i will try them soon and let u know xx

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