Sensitivity to smell?

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Anyone else experiencing sensitivity to smells. I always lived perfume but I can't stand to.wear it or if someone else has it on it really bothers me.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, yes, yes. I have noticed big changes in this area. I have times when the smell of freshly brewed coffee (which I ordinarily love) makes me feel queasy and nauseous.
  • Posted

    Yes, yes, yes. I have noticed big changes in this area. I have times when the smell of freshly brewed coffee (which I ordinarily love) makes me feel queasy and nauseous.
  • Posted

    Yep! I've noticed my sense of smell is alot stronger. Certain smells..e.g air fresheners and deodorants bother me.

  • Posted

    It is strange isn't it? I love perfume too but have noticed over the last year or so that certain scents are way too strong. I think it may have something to do with progesterone. I was in a gift shop with a friend recently and the smell of the scents, candles and diffusers made me so ill i had to leave the shop.

  • Posted

    Yes have constant horrid taste in mouth,don't like perfume or fabric conditioners and am very sensitive to smells now .

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