Posted , 5 users are following.
Has anyone tried this? It is a progesteron cream??
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Has anyone tried this? It is a progesteron cream??
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Bubbins margaret04348
Sandy07 margaret04348
steffo_61 margaret04348
shaznay96184 margaret04348
I found their ad last summer. I tried some until the pot ran out. Truth is, I have no idea if it helped.
By Xmas i was feeling very low (now know I hate Xmas: sad time with lost loved ones etc), so decided after joining this forum, I'd try to help myself before trying HRT.
I started a new pot of P/cream, along with some Menopace Oriiginal (vits/mins supplement) on 1st Jan.
Can't tell you exactly when, but after my Jan bleed, I felt on such a 'high': really good mood etc. But best of all, my joint pains were so, so much better.
Think that lasted for another couple of months. But, alas, this month I feel like cr*p. Moany, argumentative, and the joint pain has returned.
I'm due to re-start applying the P'Cream next week (Day 14 to 28 with this one), so I'll see how I feel then.
Still taking my Menopace, but wondering if I need something additional for the joints now?
I haven't read all the replies to your question yet, but I think I should to inform 'me' what's to be expected!
PS - Actually just read a reply to you from steffo 61. Funny she mentions this, as my period in January was only 5 days after my Xmas 'Present to myself'-period, and I started bleeding on the day i took the P'Cream??!!
TBH, I have no idea what's right for me at the mo: think things they are a'changing, and I'm not sure I like the changes!!