Serious bowel issue.

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6 years ago (I'm 23) I had my gallbladder removed and was left with bile acid malabsorption (diagnosed 1 year ago, yes it really took 5 years) but now I'm having issues.

When I poop I get a huge, I mean it's like a 10cm ball of mucus. I have blood, I always have chills and a fever and I'm always in agony. It's sort of like food poisoning but every single time I eat anything. At. All.

Waiting to swap GPs right now as mine is beyond useless as I've found in the last few years. Any ideas?!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Forgot to add, for the past six years everyone I have a blood test it shows I have infection but the hospital can't find it. And weren't really to bothered about it. I've had adenomas removed from my bowel, kidney stones, gallstones, I have random throat swelling that when keeping a food diary there has been nothing found to trigger it, I have undetectable levels of vit d, had many tests all I've been told for years is that my appendix will probably burst.

  • Posted

    Sorry first post don't know how to edit, I also get a stomach pain so bad like I've not been fed in years that leaves as soon as I eat..

    • Posted

      There is no edit buton so any typos you miss cannot be fxed!  Were you given any medication for BAM to bind your bile salts?  Since you are passing blood, you should see your doctor again.  Is the blood bright red?
    • Posted

      Sorry I keep getting a full notification for new posts haha thanks for reply. Yes after 5 years I got the questran, amazing. But no its a mix. Some of its bright red others it's like huge dark clumps. I thought I'd pooped but it was all blood and mucus so it was dark and we'll a clump

    • Posted

      See your doctor about the blood.  That’s good the Questran works.
    • Posted

      Yeah I will I'm just in the middle of swapping GPs, again had it today with it being very dark whereas usually my bam makes it very yellow or pale at best, questran evened it all out and now it's like black, I have had growths in the small intestine and stomach issues so will bring it up, cheers smile

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