Seriously WHY did someone not tell us about this?
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Good morning everyone!
First, I'm so glad that I found this place. It's kind of sad to me that so many of us walk around feeling so rough, but are afraid to share it. I know I am! I'm scared people will think I'm crazy. So, can I just get some advice? My perimenopause hit me like a train. Literally the anxiety and depression were SO bad and they just hit me so hard. Mornings were the WORST. It's been 2.5 years and I have tried about everything. I will say that acupuncture seems to help some. I really think that it all started around 36? Even though I wore deodorant, I smelled like a teenager and poured sweat from my armpits. This has only gotten worse. Then I started with heavy periods. I literally thought I was having a miscarriage at times. Then massive PMS; super angry leading up to my period and then back to normal. What got my attention was the anxiety and depression (like a pit). I sometimes literally feel like I can feel something dropping off in my (does that make sense to anyone)??? Now, almost 42 (two weeks from now), I barely have a period (like 2-3 days) and I only wear a panty liner. It's more like spotting and brown. Sorry; I know that's gross, but I'm just being real hoping for help. The MOST frustrating part is that all of my levels are in the normal range (I think low normal, but still). I also have hot flashes. Soy seems to help me out some too. Does any of this sound familiar? Thank y'all so much! I promise if I had one wish it would be that all sickness (including hormone struggles would be OVER!)
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DoreenM c14889
I hear you! My journey started at 39 with panic attacks and palpatations that landed me in the ER twice. All tests came back normal and then I was diagnosed with GAD. Then, I had a gradual onset of off balance/dizziness sensation last year and have a brain MRI...nothing. Meanwhile, all blood work has been normal for the past three years. I've still had a very regular cycle but my periods have changed in consistency (TMI) and now i have debilitating cramp pain. If the depression doesn't kill me, the thousands of symptoms i get will! Tired of feeling like an old hag at 44 years old!
c14889 DoreenM
Yes! Have you found anything that helps? I finally broke down and took Celexa? I think it helps some. I can't believe no one has figured out what in the world is wrong with us by now...and what works?
reva31742 c14889
The one thing that really seemed to slow mine down was when the gyno put me on a low dose birth control. But you have to be careful, it kept me bleeding probably long after I would have. I have gotten off of it now, but it sure seems to have helped most of my symptoms. She had put me on it, due to hormonal mood swings so bad and with PTSD not a good combo she said.
c14889 reva31742
That's what my gyno recommended, but I have been so scared to take it! I might give it a try! Thank you!
caz240 c14889
Hi there c14889
I completely understand the mornings being the worst! I had anxiety and depression at different times in my life but this peri menopause is something else!! Most days i shake and feel physically sick in the morning. Night sweats shakes and horrible dreams. My relationship/marriage has been abusive which im sure has not helped. 2 weeks ago my son admitted his girlfriend has also been abusive ffs. Just trying to keep going everyday. Also have suicidal thoughts at my worst times.
c14889 caz240
Caz240, I hear you! You're not alone! Hang in there! I'm so glad we have this forum to talk to and encourage each other. It helps me to know I'm not alone!
caz240 c14889
It is good to be able to express how feel to people who are going through the same. We will get there!! Us ladies are made of tough stuff! x
staci88515 c14889
Every word of it sounds familiar. Just add in eye issues and migraine aura. My decline started around 37/38. I am 45 now and my periods have been frightening heavy for nearly three years now.
2chr2015 c14889
yes. glad you found us too. this forum has saved my sanity more than once. i was 43 when all of this started. i am 48 now. all i can say is when one symptom settles down or you finally realize it is meno related and don't let it bother you anymore, another one will pop up. Then the anxiety will come back just as bad as the first time. this last period was about 3 weeks late...very heavy, clots and cramps like i was having a baby...still spotting a week into it.
c14889 2chr2015
I am so thankful for all of your feedback! Prayers ladies that this ends soon for all of us and that we are better for it!
Rainbow976 c14889
I could have wrote much of what you wrote. Libido and hair shedding started around 36, then all hell broke lose at 40. I have had nearly every one of the 66 symptoms list .
I also have super light 2 day periods if you can call it that. But every 21-24 days with symptoms at ovulation and terrible pms now. I am thinking of bcp but wanted to avoid it. Why are we so sensitive now to the normal ups and downs?
I think the light periods are low estrogen, the range of normal is quite large so if we used to be at the upper end, now we suffer with low levels.
serena11274 c14889
i can relate im 44 and mine all started dec 2018, horrible fatigue, heavy legs and arms, twitching, rapid heart rate and so on , all my bloods keep coming back normal, i 2 have short periods only lasting 2 days but more recent had longer cycles 41 days then now a 23 and 25 day cycle, im over it but trying to stay positive and push myself through, i also have hashimotis which symptoms can overlap, never felt so dreadful in whole life, just wish my bloods would show it so i know for sure.
t64114 serena11274
did the Doctor are you test specialist when you were diagnosed with hashimots?? i think i need blood tests done
serena11274 t64114
i was diagnosed in 2006, my bloods were borderline for ages but then i had the antibodies, ive been fine this whole time on meds for that until dec 2018 when i started to feel all these symptoms thats why i think they are peri related and not my thyroid
c14889 serena11274
Yes! Mine started December 2017 (but I had signs before and didn't recognize them). Miserable! And as an added slap in the face, bloods never show much of anything that would explain how horrible I felt. I really think that bloodwork is unreliable in some things and I think as time goes on and we progress with our understanding of hormonal health. It's just crazy that the medical field in so many ways is still clueless (although I do appreciate the help we do get) . My husband read a book on hormones and how they effect mental health and do you know that women are much more likely to be sent to a psychiatrist when they complain of our symptoms. I hope for the girls coming behind us that this will get easier, more treatable, and better understood. Hang in there ladies! I am so happy to have each of you!