Sertraline 100mg...Day 7

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Hi, I've never posted on one of these forums before but I spend a lot of time reading the comments and everyone seems so suuportive to one another. I have struggled with Depression and Anxiety since I was a teenager (I am now 40years old, female). I have been on so many anti-depressants, the absolute worse being Effexor, terrible withdrawals,  and now my doc has me on Sertraline. I am on day 7 of 100mg and feel panicky and anxious, never hungry, and just very down in general. I am praying these tablets will work for me, and I guess I'm here hoping for a bit of advice and support. Thank you.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    it does get better with time I'm currently on 150mg the side effects can be a nightmare at time try and keep your self busy when time are hard anything really to take your mind of it reading walking etc you will find out what works best for you but please give it a try it will get worse before you feel better but you WILL get better be strong anytime you need a chat post on the forum it can be of great help and surpport 


    • Posted

      Wow, thank you so much, and rich21763, for your replies. Amazing how just a few words from someone can help so much. Hearing that I WILL get better is just a dream...I just want to feel motivated - in fact, forget that, I just want to feel OK. I wouldn't wish these feelings on my worst enemy!  I live alone with my 18 year old son, and I tend to isolate myself a lot. The only relief I get is if I have a few beers at night, but I'm cutting that way down as I really want to give these tablets a fair chance to work. Thank you both so much. Means the world to just connnect wth people who understand. I'm living in Ireland, by the way...lots of "ah just shake it off/don't be so negative" !!! If only it were that easy Lots of good vibes to you both. Thank you.

    • Posted

      your most welcomewink anytime you need a chat just post here 

    • Posted

      Thanks so much. I usually feel a bit better by night-time...but it is a real struggle getting through the days. Existing rather than living, you know? I will take your advice (and rich21763) and push myself to go for a decent walk tomorrow, I feel so tired all the time, but as I said, night time's a bit better so will walk then. It's a pretty crappy way to live, opening your eyes in the morning and dreading the day. I long for that feeling to pass. Thank you again for being there.biggrin


    • Posted

      If you are feeling bad / down just do something different for 5 minutes - walk / run / read / sit in garden - you ll feel better

      Exercise burns off adrenaline that causes anxiety so will help too

      If you don't mind me asking , what's causes your anxiety , do u know?

      Also where about in Ireland are u ?

    • Posted

      you are so right couldn't of put it better myself that is how I feel its hard going but the one thing that keeps me going is one my wife/kids and knowing and believing that i'm not going to die from this the more you take back control the better things DO get i'm feeling a lot better then I was 7months ago it just take time knowledge is true power

      take care stay strong    

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for your advice. I'm in the south of Ireland. As for what casues my anxiety/depression...that would take forever to write about! I am usually more depressed than anxious, but these new tablets have me feeling very panicky and frightened...

    • Posted

      Same as that - my son keeps me going, definitely. It's great that you're feeling me hope. Sick to my teeth of the constant struggle just to get through a normal day! rolleyes

    • Posted

      one day at a  time things definitely get better you can do it biggrin  

    • Posted

      Well an initial side effect can be increased anxiety etc

      Exercise is well documented as being good for mental health so a long fast walk or jog , or maybe get an exercise bike in the house

      The other thing I found with sertraline was no appetite for 3 weeks at the start followed by massive appetite after

      Other things that wore off

      Dry mouth

      Constipation (sorry)

      Odd vision

      Feeling like I had tremors


      Improved after 2 to 3 weeks

      Can take up to 6 weeks to get full therapeutic effect

    • Posted

      Thanks for that info...I have no appetite at all, just a sick feeling in my stomach all the time. I just hope that these tablets help me once the side effects wear off...
  • Posted

    My side effects died down after 2 weeks or so

    Just keep going

    Also exercise , relaxation and cbt may help?


  • Posted

    I am the same, i suffer with anxiety (social) where i cant be in a room full of people i get all paniking and heart racing. I am getting married next year and i am dreading it so much at the thought of all eyes on me etc so i went to doctors 5 weeks ago who prescribed with 50mg sertraline (like you i have never been on AD before) after 4 weeks i was upped to 100mg have been on them now 10 days cant say i feel any different just tired and headaches alot. I am afer reassurance too that it will get better. Have you had many side effects? If anyone has been feeling better off these how long did it take for to feel 'normal' smile

    • Posted

      Hi, I honestly don't know how long it takes to feel "normal", I'm in the same boat as you at the moment but my heart goes out to you, and I really hope they work out for you in the long run. I too feel tired all the time, but I would imagine that it takes longer than 10 days for our bodies to accept and adjust to the increased dosage so don't lose hope. I'm here if you ever need to chat. biggrin

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